Chapter 8: The Ship's Name

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As the team was flying down into Naboo, everyone started to get their supplies and blasters, just in case. They got into their cabins to rest a bit more before they left. Colen laid in his bed thinking about what could happen. His door was still open and he could here and see Elisa running around so excited.

Then all of a sudden, Lydia's voice came on a speaker, "Guys, we're about to go below the clouds now, the place is going to probably look beautiful." And on that note, Elisa ran towards the ladder.

He heard Elisa climb up the rungs and onto the cockpit floor. He thought about what Naboo might look like when they saw the view. His train of thought was cut off when they heard Elisa's voice yell down from the cockpit.

"Guys get up here, Naboo looks beautiful!" Said Elisa with an excited voice.

Colen jumped out of his bed and onto the floor. He rushed out side and ran to his left. He heard the other doors opening and shutting, meaning that the other two guys got out of their cabins. Rebe came from beside Lydia's room and started flying up the ladder.

"Oh no you don't you bucket of metal." Said Colen as he leaped up and grabbed a hold of Rebe's metal leg.

The heat of the droid's thrusters on his feet was burning his face, then he noticed his  hand was heating up too, and it was starting to hurt a lot. He let go and dropped onto the ladder, with Coloft on his tail. Rebe made it too the top and landed on the cockpit floor and his thrusters shut off. Once Colen reached the top of the ladder and looked out the window, he could tell why Elisa was so excited.

They saw the palace and the water falls as they came down to land. It was beautiful: the palace was tall, and it had so many spires that it almost looked over the top. The water falls were amazing, the colour of them stood out so much, and as you looked down you couldn't see the water because of all the mist.

The only thing that made it look bad was all the stormtroopers and tanks, they were crowding the streets. The view got out of sight as they landed in a opening in between a forest area.

They landed with a thump and a few thuds. Every one shook around as they finally landed as safe and as sound as they could. They all shifted around as they steadied themselves.

"Sorry for the landing to be so ruff, it was my first time." Said Lydia a bit guilty.

"I thought Twi'lek's were supposed to be good flyers?" Said Coloft.

"Well not on the first try, obviously." Said Lydia.

"I'm going downstairs and out of the ship if anyone wants to come with me." Said Elisa as she ran towards the ladder.

"I'm coming." Said Colen, as he dashed over towards the entrance to the cockpit. He clambered down the rungs of the ladder until he reached the main floor of the ship, he ran outside and saw Elisa standing in the clearing, appearing to take big gulps of air. He didn't know what that crazy girl was doing until he smelt the fresh air.

It was amazing, the smell of wet grass radiated into their mouths and noses, with the smell of leaves and trunks of trees. Colen opened his mouth and took a big gulp of air, it was awesome. Elisa turned around and saw Colen taking in the smells.

"It's nice isn't it?" Elisa said to Colen.

"Yes, definitely." Returned Colen.

"Do you want to go into the market and check out the palace? Because I can ask the crew?" Asked Elisa.

"Ya, I can't wait for more amazing smells like this." Said Colen excitedly.

"Okay, I'm going back inside, I'll be out here in a minute." Said Elisa as she raced back inside the ship. Colen turned back towards the trees and saw a little animal: he or she  kind of looked like a lothcat, but much smaller, and a bit cuter, lothcats looked more like vicious monsters, but this one just stayed still, looking at Colen straight in the eye. Then suddenly picked something up, and started eating it.

Once the animal turned side ways, he noticed another aspect of the animal, it had a tail, that was very bushy. Colen moved closer, and the animal looked upwards, straight at Colen, and stopped moving. The animal came forwards- as Colen was in a very odd position, trying to not move- and picked up another food thing and started stuffing it in its mouth. It was amazing.

Then it came up to Colen and stared him in the eye. Colen looked back. They kept their gaze for how long, Colen didn't know, but at one point, the animal came up to Colen's foot and bit his ankle. Pain flared through his foot as he fell over. Once Colen looked back at where the animal was, it was gone, it disappeared into the woods. He held his ankle and struggled to his feet. Once he got up, he tried to put pressure on his foot. It hurt, but Colen was able to handle it. He looked at where the animal ran off to, then he heard a voice.

"Why are you staring at the woods, and holding your ankle?"

Colen turned around and saw Elisa walking down the ramp with four things in her hand. One seemed like a comlink, like the one that you strap to your ear. The other seemed to be tablet type thing, and it looked like you could strap it onto your belt.

"An animal bit my ankle." Said Colen, a bit embarrassed.

"Already hanging out with nature, huh?" Asked Elisa.

"Ya, um, what are those things, that you have in your hand?" Returned Colen.

"These are comlinks, and-"

"I already know what those are."

"And these are droid translators."

"Okay." Said Colen as Elisa put the comlink and the translator in his hand.

"Oh, and the rest of the crew are going out and about, just after us, and they wanted me to tell you, that we have a new name for the ship!" Said Elisa, a bit too excited.

"They did the name without us!" Said Colen a bit frustrated, as he clipped on his translator.

"I know, I thought the same way, but do you want to know what it is called?" Asked Elisa.


"It. Is. The Torch!" Said Elisa, way over excited.

"Cool name! Do you want to go now?" Asked Colen.

"Let's go!" Said Elisa as she ran towards the city, with Colen chasing after her with a limping leg, not knowing what would await them.

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