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Therese's POV

5 years.

5 years after that tragic tragedy.

5 years after I know the feelings of Frederick to me.

I walked with Summer inside the cemetery towards Frederick's tomb.

I dreaded the days after that news the doctor uttered to us.

That was a hard time for us. Especially Frederick's parents.


Frederick died.

Summer hugged me tightly and sobbed on my shirt. Me emotionless.

I thought about the countless good things he did for me when we were still young. And I wouldn't forget it. Aunt and uncle hugged and cried to each other. My parents hugged and cried silently.

Frederick is a people person, friendly, gentle, polite, anything good things you'll describe him fits him perfectly.

And then I cried and cried.

"His body is in the room. You may see it." The doctor informed us.

We stood up and went inside the room.

The doctor opened the cloth and there, the lifeless body of Frederick lays down peacefully.

We cried.

We didn't expect Frederick, the one we dearly love died unexpectedly.

And It'll never failed to break me down.

I hugged the lifeless body of his. Not feeling his usual warmth when I hug him but total coldness.

He is not the warm Frederick that I knew but a cold, lifeless corpse.

But he'll always remain in our hearts.

End of flashback

At the burial, almost half of the school appeared in the burial because they knew him all too well and they like him too due to his funny aura.

I even cried for weeks thinking about it. Sleepless nights, many people comforting me, and not eating properly are one of the things I did when I was so hurt.

But I moved on. Even if sometimes I'll cry if someone opens that topic. I'll continue with my life and live to the fullest just as what he always tell me before.

I already graduated college last year. It was our goal to graduate together and achieve our goals in life. 

And I became a painter.

An international painter to be exact.

I was well-known now because of my works of art about Frederick. And maybe this is what Frederick gave me back. Those paintings that I sell was for him. And I'll treasure every moment each and every paint I made. Because he'll never leave my heart.

Right now, we are currently sitting in front of Frederick's tomb I lay my flower vase beside his tomb and we recite some prayers for him.

And then I talked.

"Hi Frederick." I greeted the cold piece of stone in front of me.

Suddenly a strong gust of wind blew.

I smiled.

"I knew you're in good hands there in heaven." I continue to talk.

The wind flew past my cheeks. It felt familiar.

"Me and Therese are missing you." Summer chimed in hugging me.

The wind blew again.

we talk for an hour the wind still blowing everywhere.

We know he is here watching us right now.

We bid our goodbyes to Frederick and walked towards the car parked by the street.

I sat on the driver's seat and turned on the car I looked through the rearview mirror and I swear I saw a waving Frederick with a big smile on his face wearing white clothes.

I smiled.

You'll always be in our hearts Frederick.

                                                                          THE END 



what do you think? It is now the end.

And I want you to check my other stories. (if possible) and thank you for supporting the story Tragedy and please comment what you felt about the story because I was internally crying while making the last three chapters of this story. (I can't cry in public they might think I'm crazy.)



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