Joonho Samchoon Edition

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Mina's P.O.V

Channie and I looked at Joonho samchoon as we were about to leave the house. Samchoon looked very hot, and he looked very handsome tonight.

"What's going on tonight, samchoon? Looking all handsome ..." Channie asked him.

"Yeah, we're only going for a dinner ..." I said.

Samchoon looked at us. We were hugging our hands to each other. Samchoon quickly broke the tied.

"Yah ... wae, samchoon?" Channie asked samchoon with his dissatisfied face.

Samchoon looked at us with his annoyed face,

"I hate it!"

I looked at samchoon in disbelief,


Samchoon looked at us with his annoyed face again,

"It's too sweet, that I hated it a lot!"

Samchoon walked out of the house. Leaving me and Channie looking at each other. Channie smiled at me,

"You looked pretty as always," he kissed my cheek.

I smiled at him, "I know,"

Channie chuckled.

"Kids!!!! Palli nawayo!!!!!"


I cant believe my eyes.

What the hell?

Samchoon, is cuddling with Jangmi eonni?!

"Since when?!"

Jangmi eonni looked at me and Channie, she was hugging samchoon's hand.


I almost exploded. Channie was holding my hand, asking me to calm down.

Samchoon looked at me,

"Well ... it's been a while ..."

"Since when?!!" I provoked him.

"Well, almost a month before you started dating with Channie ..." samchoon looked at me.


Our eyes stuck on Kai who was running into the cafe that we're in.

"Uh, wasseo, Jongin?" Jangmi smiled.

Kai looked at us. Most likely, he looked at Jangmi and samchoon,

"Noona? Joonho samchoon?" Kai asked.

"I know right? I cant be..."

"Whoaaaa .... congratulations!!!!" Kai cut my words and hugged with samchoon.

I looked at Channie. Channie was holding my hand,

"Keep calm ..." he whispered.

Channie pulled me back down to my seat. I looked at Channie,

"How can I keep calm?!"


"Kai even gave them blessings! What the hell?!"

I was angry. Really angry!

Channie decided to walk me home alone, leaving samchoon and Jangmi eonni, with their lovey-dovey session right after Kai left us.

"Hey ... it wasn't really bad having Jangmi noonim as your aunt .. right?"

I looked at Channie,

"But, she's my boss,"

Channie stopped walking and moved my body facing him,

"Hey, I know she's your boss .. but, think about your samchoon. He need someone who can take care of him later ..."

I looked at Channie,

"I can take care of him,"

Channie pouted,

"Yah ... what about me?"

I looked at Channie. He was pouting. I pulled his ears. His Yoda ears.

"Yah!!!" Channie looked at me with his widened eyes.

I chuckled. Channie hold me by my waist,

"When you're mine ... I will make sure you'll be taking care of me ..." he smiled.

I pushed his face away,

"I did not agree to marry you, okay?"

Channie looked at me, he carried me like we're newlyweds,

"After samchoon's wedding, one month after his will be ours ..." Channie kissed me by my lips.

I just smiled, after he broke the kiss.


Samchoon came to my bed, just right before I went off to sleep.

"Mina sshi ... are you still awake?"

I turned on the side lamp and looked at samchoon who peeking by my door.

"I'm still awake. Just about to sleep, why?"

"Can I come in?"

I chuckled,

"You are always welcome, samchoon ..."

Samchoon walked into my bed. Walking towards my bed. He sat on my bed, looking at me.

"About Jangmi ..."

I looked at samchoon and covered his mouth with my hand,

"No matter who you wanna choose ... I will always agree with your decision .." I smiled.

Samchoon looked at me,

"I know she was your boss, you might feel ..."

"Samchoon ... please .. I just want you to be happy ... that's all ..." I said to him, sincerely.

Samchoon looked at me with his teary eyes,

"Well, I will never be your girl forever, right?" I asked him.

Samchoon smiled,

"Of course ... you have Channie by your side later ... and I will be alone .."

"Hey, Jangmi eonni. You forgot?"

Samchoon slapped his forehead.

"Aigoo ... I'm being more forgetful day by day ..."

I chuckled,

"You should marry quickly! Or, you'll be forgetting Jangmi eonni by the time of the wedding day ..."

"Aigoo, how could you said that to your beloved samchoon!?"

I chuckled. Samchoon hugged me,

"Thank you, Mina sshi ... You know you'll always be my girl ..."

"Nae, samchoon ..."


I looked at Channie. Smiling to each other.

It's samchoon's wedding with Jangmi eonni!!

"We are together here ... to witness the most romantic couple in the city!!!"

I looked at Bacon oppa. He was the emcee for the wedding along with Chen oppa.

I looked at samchoon who was standing next to Jangmi eonni. They really look so good together.

Like Cinderella and The Prince.

But, an old prince.


Samchoon's already 40 years old!!!

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