E P I S O D E 2

287 17 2

"Yah, Yoon Mina!!!"

Mina who was taking out the trash, turned her head.


Mina looked at her soaking wet uniform. Then, she looked at Jiyeon and her troops,

"That's for being too ugly ..."

Jiyeon and her troops walked away with laughter. Mina looked at them, or more likely, she glared at them.

Mina looked at her uniform, she sighed.


"Samchoon will be super angry if he knew that I was being bullied again..."

Mina touched her uniform. She smelt something funny. She sighed again.

"Especially when it's the drain water ... "

She turned herself as she mumbled, bumped to someone.

"Uh, mianhaeyo ..." she bowed without even looking at the person she bumped.

Then, she walked away.

Poor guy, I just bumped into him with this drain smell ... people are going to laugh at me again ...

"Uh ... excuse me ..."

Mina heard the guy was calling out for her. But, she just wont stop. She was really certain that he's going to nag at her.

"Yah, ... wait!!!"

Mina heard that the guy started to chase her. She began to run. She ran as fast as she could. It's a good thing that she's a fast runner in school.

"Yah !!!!! Wait!!!! Dont run!!!"

Mina ignored him as just ran. She ran as fast as she could. Running around the building, for about 2 times, until she began to tired.

She was too tired she fell on the ground. She laid down, facing the sun above her.

"I'm gonna die due to dehydration if I keep on running like this," Mina mumbled. She closed her eyes as the sunlight stroke her eyes.

"You really are a fast runner,"

Mina opened her eyes. That guy was panting hard as he sat next to Mina.

The guy touches Mina's uniform,

"Even your uniform are already dried ..." he chuckled.

Mina looked at him, and moved a little bit far from the guy.

"You wanna nag at me, right?" She asked.

The guy chuckled, "Do you really think that you, bumping me with that soaking wet clothes, will make me mad and nag at you?" He asked.

Mina looked at him, then she looked away.

"Well, every body does ..." she said slowly.

The guy smiled. He looked at Mina,

"I'm Junyeong, by the way ... "

Mina looked at Junyeong, he was pulling out his hand for a handshake.

"Mina. Yoon Mina ..." Mina just smiled.

Looking at his hand not being shaken by Mina, Junyeong quickly pulled his hand in.

"I called you actually .. to give you this ..."

Mina looked at Junyeong. He was handing a handkerchief to Mina.

"So that you can dry up your self. It maybe looked small, but trust me, it's like a towel .." Junyeong smiled at Mina.

Mina looked at Junyeong,

First Love [ COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now