Chapter Two

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Collin's Pov: (Where We Belong Chapter 2)

"I don't get why you can't tell me." Timothy cuddled into me, being in his arms felt relaxing but I know this was a way for him to distract me from asking any further questions about what Johnny had his hand that afternoon. "There is something wrong and you can't keep me away from it." My voice began cracking badly. I knew another coughing fit was coming because I was forcing myself to speak clearer words.

"Collin, just relax. Iris is taking care of everything." Timothy told me, but that got me even more angry. But now I couldn't find the voice to speak. I had lost it completely. Now I was going to give him the silent treatment. I turned my head away from him. "Please don't get upset with me. I don't want us to be this way." Timothy pulled me closer but I was not going to be easily convinced with them leaving me out of their issue. We were all mates and I had the right to know. It also involved one of my children, they acted as if I didn't care about them.

We laid there in silence, I kept my coughs to myself and distanced myself away from Timothy but he stayed right where he was. He attempted to speak to me. "Remember how I didn't find out about your mom abusing you until years into our relationship..? At first I was angry because it was understandable why we couldn't be together when I found out. But I was angry because I hated both you and Iris back then. With everything in me I despised you. But I had realized that you did this from keep me from hurting because you knew I would hurt, I'm trying to protect you Collin. I love you so much and seeing you in pain.. I don't want to add you more pain or fear. We just want you to get better and we try to keep everything from you. Collin, please understand our reason for doing this."

I didn't say anything at his statement, only because I could not. My voice wasn't coming back any time soon. So I turned to Timothy, grabbing his face and pulling him down for a kiss. Before it was interrupted with a jealous Iris. "Well, nice to see I was missed after running a few errands."

"Iris you know it wouldn't be the same without you." Timothy teased, extending his hand for Iris to grab then pulling him down to the bed. "I was just here, telling Collin to relax. We found a new doctor for him to see. This doctor seems to know exactly what he is doing, well hopefully. His name is Dr. Panameno and he has experience with people like us. He should be here in about an hour or so."

Well, we already tried almost everything why not something more.

"Dad is it okay if I go out with a few friends?" Paul walked into the room. Paul grew up so much in the past years. Both physically and mentally. Now at eighteen years old he can enjoy his life and not have to take care of others even though he still wishes to do so. Paul was robbed of his childhood so it was our duty to allow him to worry about nothing even though he feels he still has duties to fulfill.

"Yes Paul. Just be home for dinner." Iris responded.

"I will be home by dinner, don't worry. Bye dads. Feel better dad." At times it felt weird for all of us to be called dad. Dad. Dad.

But it was refreshing. Stray pups who were abandoned with no hope now have three dads. They make sure we know how much they love us everyday with a fail. When they were younger they bragged about not have only one or two parents but three. I would have thought they would be ashamed or embarrassed but they embraced it. People were accepting too, never once giving them a hard time. But if they even thought about that they would have to deal with three angry wolves.

"What are we going to do for Paul's birthday party. Finally turning twenty. They grow up so fast." Timothy sighed while shaking his head. "I don't even think he wants a party anymore. I remember when he used to beg for a Micky Mouse themed party then an Iron Man then an animal zoo.."

"Casey wanted a Supernatural party, she cried when we didn't get Jared here." We all laughed at the memory, but she was happy with the party during. Still has the cutout of him in her room. "Time just can't slow down for a damn second. Next thing we know we are taking care of our grandchildren. Next thing you know little Johnny isn't so little anymore."

These memories came back to our minds, time does go by so fast. Never once slowing down and all we have to do is embrace the moments we have together. Nothing more to do or we'll waste time thinking about it all. This was depressing in a way to think about.

"The doctor is here." Iris had broken the silence that fell over us. "I'll go get him."

Iris came a few minutes later with the doctor following behind him, looking professional. "Hello, I'm Dr. Panameno. I'm taking a wild hint here, you're Collin and you're Timothy?"

"Yes, it's nice to meet you." Timothy got up and shook his hand.

"It's my pleasure." Dr. Panameno said shaking his hand.

"Well this is Collin, the one who is sick." Iris explained while pulling Timothy away. "Do your doctor stuff."

"Well from the looks of it, Collin you are too weak for a blood test. Tell me your symptoms, how are you feeling right now? How long has this been going on for? The last time you ate? Have you been near any wolf poison or bane?" He kept asking me questions thinking I could talk when in reality my voice was far gone from all the coughing.

"He can't speak but he basically pukes everything we give him including pain killers that were prescribed, he has headaches, dizziness, Collin is always tired, his body is weak he can't even get up from bed at times." Iris responded while going to my side. "Is there anything you think it is?"

"It's a mild sickness that will past, a fever that is being caused by the wolf. In order to get passed him to his wolf I need to prescribe him a medicine strong enough for him. It was ease his coughing and headaches but in turn has a side effects that won't be able to be stopped and will have his wolf in full alert. Collin needs to be evaluated so this will only be a trial for a month and if it all goes will I will prescribe more medicine for him and then I'll be able to do a blood test to make sure it is what I think it is, for now I will write the prescription and have it by tomorrow. The medicine has special instructions and it's best you follow the rules."

"What are the side effects?"

"Amnesia, dizziness, his hormones spiral out of control, hallucinations, he will feel worse before he feels better. But I will explain that to you tomorrow."

With that he bid us goodbye. I could not stand to be sick, why in the world was I like this? My wolf whined but I didn't blame him. There was no one to blame, at least I prayed. 

Where We Belong (Book 2) (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now