Chapter Five.

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Timothy's POV:

"They have Ellie. They might brainwash him too. What if they make him forget me?" Vincent begged and wanted our help. I wanted to help Dominic and Nathaniel. Ellie too, he was my brother. I couldn't ignore that fact. Even after a long time of not speaking to each other I am not giving up on family. All the mean stuff I said to him suddenly came back to me and I wished I could take it back but it was too late now.

I looked over at Iris and Collin to already find them looking at me. They were debating over this like me. Trying to figure out what was going on. We were risking ourselves, but it would definitely be worth it because it meant that we got two more mates. I knew Iris and Collin were thinking the same thing, scared for Dominic and Nathaniel and wanting to rescue them.

"Could you excuse us?" Iris asked Vincent. Vincent nodded while getting up and leaving upstairs. "Well now that we finally figured out that they belong with us, we are going to help them?"

"Of course." Both Collin and I answered. "We are going to bring them home. Where they belong."

We were determined. All of us were going to do what we could to save them from this Jacob. Jacob and this cult. "We're in."

Third Person's Pov:

Ellie struggled to untie his arms that were trapped behind him. Jacob only laughed at his struggle knowing it was useless. "You're the famous Ellie. I sent you a wedding invitation. You didn't show?"

"Let go of me you bastard!" Screamed Ellie. "You will pay for this."

"You're too funny. I already won. Timothy, Collin and Iris are already coming to the rescue. Along with Vincent. I will kill him in front of you and watch you both suffer. That plan is plain and simple." Jacob stated. "Lead them over here. Be king of two packs and one clan."

Ellie laughed. "That's what you think, you'll rule over three big groups who are very loyal to us? You are out of your mind."

"After I poison their water and food supply, and you guys are not there to help out. They will turn to the only other leader, me." Ellie couldn't help but laugh even more. Vampires may be evil and ruthless but they never once turn their back on their leader. If they disappear they would search, same as a wolf with his Alpha, especially Luna. They never give up on their leaders even if it means turning rouge. They will search until they find an explanation. This Jacob doesn't know the first thing in a pack and clan and he thinks he will rule?

Jacob was one crazy son of a bitch.

"Laugh all you want. You just wait. Dominic, Nathaniel." Ellie watched in wide eyes as they both walked in with blank faces. They stopped in front of them both. "Guys this is Ellie. Very mean, very cruel man. Would you do me the honors of.. beating him until he can't heal anymore?" They wouldn't do this, they know who I am to Timothy.

"Yes, Jacob."


Jacob left the house, not bearing to hear the screams of pain. He greeted the neighbors with a smile as he walked to his car. He pulled his phone out and dialed his father's number. "Yes, I did what you asked of me."

"Good. Give it a few hours. Vampires aren't very easy to give up. Are you sure their mates are coming?"

"They are coming. I have Carter spying on them."

"Call me when you have more progress."

"Okay." He hung up.

I waited in the car for a few hours. Thinking of how I would capture Three wolves and one vampire. It won't be easy. But I will make it work, and after I make it work. I will take them down, kill them and finally be happy.

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