Chapter Twenty-two

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"We're going on the same pills as last time!" Collin said. "No absolutely not! You are a doctor, figure out what is really wrong with us or we will fire you and make sure you can't get a job anywhere else!" Collin growled loudly at him. The doctor paled before looking down at his charts.

"There is another possibility but it doesn't make sense to even me." The doctor mumbled.

"Well spill it out!" Iris warned.

"You two are pregnant."


Iris ended up attacking the poor doctor. Throwing him against our bedroom wall. But I was too shocked to function and tell him to stop. Me pregnant? Hell no. That is impossible there is no possible way that its possible for me, not for someone like me. That only happens in other stories but not mine.

Why the hell is this happening to me!?

"Iris stop it!" Nathaniel commanded. "Stop it or I'll be forced to put you on lock down." Iris tenses but puts the doctor down. Next thing we know Nathaniel is pinning the doctor by his neck, pushing him hard. "Why the hell are you making us think that he's actually pregnant!?"

"Nathaniel." Dominic warned.

"I'm not! I swear that they really are. I discussed it with other doctors and they told me that it seems that way. But it rarely happens but since all five of you are mates... Nothing is impossible."

"Why didn't you tell us that in first place with Collin!?" Nathaniel growled in his face.

"If you please put me down I will explain everything." The doctor said, begging him. Nathaniel snared in his face but put him down. The spotlight was on him. The doctor, Dr. Brown, cleared his throat. Picking up his chart from the floor.

"First I believed it was a sickness caused by the wolf that caused a great defect in Collin. He couldn't handle it, this sickess is caused by lack of... mating. His wolf needed the claiming and didn't get it."

"But that's impossible. We've have sex all the time."

"That is what I realized but the pills had seemed to work with him and his wolf so I left it alone, but I did some research on my own. Trying to discover what was really going on with him. After I had taken his blood I compared it to those of many sicknesses. None of them compared to his. So my last theory was the blood of a pregnant female. They matched up perfectly. I did the test over and over again but the results came back the same. So I connected with more werewolf doctor, even vampires.. they believed it was impossible but they thought it was a miracle. Mostly females. But now Timothy is sick too, maybe the results could be different with him but they show the same symptoms." Brown explained looking at all of us.

We were all speechless. There was nothing left to say but to just think about all of the possibilities. But secretly I was excited. I was going to gave a baby of my own. I hid the smile that wanted to present itself as I touched my stomach. "But Collin didn't have symptoms for more than a month, how is that possible?"

"Well the pup felt the stress the dad was going through so he-" Brown shrugged. "Pushed back a little and resisted the urge to make your life hell."

"What about Timothy? How long?"

"Well I will have to withdraw some blood to see what is going on and I'll be able to determine. Also an ultrasound will be necessary to see how the pups are doing." Brown told us.

"Wait how are you sure that they will be pups and not naturally born vampires?" Nathaniel asked.

"Well, if they were vampire they would have already been born since vampire babies seem to mature rather faster than pups."

"How would we know who the kids-"

"That doesn't matter." Collin cut in. "What matter is that we are all having pups." Collin smiled while touching his belly. I guess I wasn't the only one who was just as exciting. "They will be our kids."

"You're right Collin. Both you and Timothy will have our children. I'm just nervous." Nathaniel said.

"Well all are." Dominic took a deep breath. "But we will go through all of this together. We will take care of both of you and provide your ever need."

"Yes." With that both Collin and I threw up, "You said ever need."

"I was already thrown up on." Nathaniel mentioned while eying the mess we had created. Both Dominic and Iris groaned out a 'fine.' Going to go get cleaning supplies. After they cleaned they brought us two small garbage cans where I'm sure we would be throwing up in.

"It's right next to you, if you ever feel like throwing up just grab the can." Iris explained. "So who's hungry?"

"I'm craving pancakes."

"I'm craving pizza."

"Great, breakfast and lunch. I'll order the pizza." Dominic said. Picking up his phone from his pocket.

"I'll make stacks of pancakes! Teamwork!" This will be a great nine months, minus all the pain and puking and flulike symptoms. I'm looking forward to the attention that is all. And my child being born. There were so many things that would be happening but the best thing was my pups being born. I couldn't think of anything better. Collin and I held hands while looking at each other.

"We're in this together." Collin smiled at me. "I'll be here with you."

"I'll be here with you too. I love you."

"I love you too."

"There is just one problem." We turned to look at the doctor, I thought he had left but he was just standing there.

"What is the problem?" Nathaniel asked.

"The statistics of survival are one in two."

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