Close Your Eyes.

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Chapter 1 -Laurette Simpson.

"Come on Lau, it wont be that bad," sighed Rosaline, my good for nothing best friend. Four very dull hours had slipped by and yet my mind was made. I was very adamant about my decision: and regardless of Rosaline's constant nagger and preaches, nothing was going to change my thoughts. However, even during those brutal four hours of heated arguments and the round of evil glares, she still hadn't managed to grasp the whole concept.

"Rosie, please just stop! You know exactly why I am sticking with my first and final decision," I argued, throwing the elegant white gown in my wardrobe carelessly. A hint of pity escaped my brain. Poor dress, what had it ever done to be treated such horrifically?

"But, there'll be soo many handsome young men there, you may even receive your first kiss," she whispered dropping her volume level dramatically.

I glared at my naïve friend:nineteen years of such a strong relationship we had, and yet she never managed to truly compromise my situation. I didnt expect her to anyway. She had no reason to understand my life. Unlike me, Rosie wasn't the princess. The princess whose fate and destiny literally relied in her father's hands. In just four short months, my arranged husband would be announced to the entire nation. To the entire world. Eventually, after the long and impatient wait of twenty three years, the citizens were to be awarded with their beautiful gift: Princess Laurette Avery Simpson: in shorter version: me.

"Rose, I'm getting married in four months, what makes you say I will be doing deeds which I havent even given a thought in the past twenty three years?"

A low whistle escaped from my friend's rosy lips: she looked like an eager pressure cooker just waiting...wanting to explode. I was confident to admit how much I envied my best friend's appearance. Her gorgeous blonde hair tumbled down her head, gently resting on her petit shoulders. She was the right height for a lady 5'6. When she smiled, it almost lit up the whole room...Rosie was quite a sight. Men went crazy over her looks, but even crazier over mine. This always bewildered me: was it simply because I was next on the throne or truly because they believed I was better looking than my goddess of a best friend? Either way, this was one of the few reasons why I had avoided men during my life. I wasn't worried about my sexuality or anything like that at all. Frankly, I had managed to fall in love stupidly many times, but of course, father had never been affronted about this news. No one had, apart from Rosie. She was practically my other half, my soul. I loved my best friend with all I had. Eventhoughs he could get very irratating, like right now.

"I think this whole marriage deal is very juvenile," muttered Rosaline's voice through gritted teeth.

"It wouldn't matter whether it is or not Rosie. Father has made up his mind, and he is indestructive." My father Harold James Simpson was the most renowed character worldwide. His loyalty to the country was one of this thousands charms which had besotted every soul living. My father was an inspiration to many. His enigmatic posture was something I had always admired: the way he had the talent to speak through his eyes, the way he merely smiled and yet it lit up the whole town. He was a man of honour.

"I guess you are right, but even now I strongly believe this is injustifying towards you. Laurie, you are the most beautiful and talented woman I have come aross in my life: are you truly going to let your father rule you over like this? You're twenty three for heaven's sake, you no longer are the innocent and insecure five year old girl anymore. You don't need your father to construct the layout of your own destiny. Don't you ever want to live your life, for youself? Not for your father, but for yourself only. Has it ever occurred to you that in all your life, you have been neglecting happiness just to make your father proud?"

I gawked at the alien standing beside my bed. Was this the same old Rosie? The Rosie who peed her pants at the mention of my father? The Rosie who always respected EVERY decision made and thought by my father? The Rosie who literally worshipped the groud walked by my father? Wow.

As if, she could telepathically read my mind, she answered my unasked questions.

"Yes, I do admire and adore King Harold to pieces, but sometimes his judgements are far out of control."

"What shall I do?" I asked my heart suddenly fluttering with excitement. Rosie was right. I was a grown up independent woman now. My future no longer depended on my father. I was a free soul. And God it felt good to acknowledge that.

"I know!" chirped Rosie's voice layered with mischief. I knew then that I should've ignored my childish friend's request. But of course I was dumb enough to even agree to it.

And here we were, bags heavily tumbling down our shoulders, running. Running away from the kingdom of Great Britain and entering the casual world of USA. As normal disguised teenagers. Sweet.

Hey Guys(: This was my first attempt at writing a story. I'm sorry if it was boring, but first chapters usually only hold intros, so im sorry:/ This is a romance story, so there will obviously be a sexy man's appearance:L LOL. Please tell me your thoughts and opinions. Hate/likes/dislikes/votes/comments anything will do!

PS: only continuing if i get people's request:D<3

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