chapter 13 - The I In Team

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Apparently, Buffy and I were under some sort of test by the Initiative. 

Buffy and I were in hiding well from the commandos until we wanted to be found, after dark in the woods.

Four of them were looking for us right now, stalking closer with taser rifles in low crouches.

The lead commando silently gestured them forward.

Two of them walked toward where I was hiding.

Two of them walked toward where Buffy was hiding.

I kicked Commando 1 out into the open, making him soar back a yard before falling to the ground. I jumped out into the open, facing Commando 2, kicking him in the face twice, making him fall.

Buffy faced off with two commandos, spinning to kick Commando 3 with a roadhouse kick. Commando 3 tried to punch her. Buffy ducked, punching him in the face.

Commando 2 stood, trying to punch me twice. I raised either arm to block the move, punching him in the face, grabbing his shoulders, kneeing him in the stomach, making him fall.

Buffy grabbed Commando 3's arm, using him as a shield for the taser rifle that Commando 4 tried to shoot her with, letting him fall.

"Lights," Walsh told us. The lights on the nearby military vehicle turned on. Walsh and Riley walked closer.Walsh looked at Buffy and me, stoic. "Took the patrol team 42 minutes to track you. And you neutralized them in 28 seconds."

"We were just lucky," Buffy told them.

"I see," Walsh told us. Riley started to smile. "Well, still, very impressive."

Walsh turned around.

Riley stopped smiling.

Walsh walked toward the military Humvee.

I watched her go, wincing slightly.

Riley stepped closer to Buffy.

"I was just being modest with the whole 'lucky' thing," Buffy told him. "You got that, right?"

Riley smiled. "I got it."

The rest of the commandos were standing, taking their masks off. Two of them were Graham Miller and Forrest Gates.

Forrest didn't look impressed, a hand on his back, stopping for a moment to look at Buffy and me from over his shoulder. "Pfft."

Forrest walked away, leaving.

Riley put an arm around Buffy's shoulders, leading her after the others.

I wasn't as comfortable with this as the others, sighing, looking around, walking with Graham.

"Something wrong?" Graham asked.

"Not exactly wrong," I answered. "Just... kinda weird."

Graham nodded. "Mm. For us, too. See, we all thought Slayers were myths."

"Well, you were myth-taken," I told him. Graham smirked. "No, it's just... I'm used to working in small groups. Not... all this."

"Well, that was awesome, Zoey," Graham told me. "And believe it or not, you're hits. Everybody loves you."

"Oh, really?"  I asked.

Graham nodded. "See, even Forrest didn't think you were too bad."

"You call that a good reaction to a first impression?" I asked.

"It is when you're him," Graham told me.

We walked on, smiling small smiles.

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