Meet My Crazy Girlfriend

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(Link's POV)

(Link's POV)

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Ugh... What happened?

I look at my surroundings and notice that I'm chained up in some sort of prison. Oh, that's right we lost the war. Some hero I turned out to be. I feel like a failure. My ancestors must be so disappointed in me. They became legends that give people hope for a better future. All I will ever be known for is how I couldn't measure up to my name. I deserve to be imprisoned. I should've listened to Impa. She was right about everything. Why didn't I wait for them before trying to take down Cia alone? It's like I didn't learn my lesson the first time. Now, I can only hope that my friends are still alive and well or at least better off than I am. I'm sorry everyone. You deserve better than me. It was going so well. If only I had been a better hero. I could've saved them. I could've saved her. Zelda, can you ever forgive me?

Suddenly I hear footsteps coming towards me. I hope it's a rescue from my friends, but part of me knows it's not. My guess it was Volga because Wizzro already mocked me last night, so maybe the blood-thirsty reptile want his turn at reminding me how much of a failure I am. Like I don't already know that. However, I only wish it was the dragon knight when I see who it really is- The Evil Sorceress herself. Oh great. Who knows what this lustful fangirl is going to do to me?

 Who knows what this lustful fangirl is going to do to me?

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"I hope you had a good night sleep. We have a lot planned for today." Cia whispers into my ear.

"It's hard to sleep with your generals taking turns taunting me. The insults were nonstop until dawn." I manage to say after shuddering at the thought of what those plans might be.

"I'm sorry to hear that my love. I'll make sure they are to be properly punished. They need to know that no one is allowed to hurt my boyfriend." She says softly as she caresses my cheek.

"Boyfriend? Since when were we dating?" I ask her wondering what gave her the idea that I'd ever date her after the things she's done to Hyrule and time itself.

"Since last night. Don't you remember? After I won the war, we made a deal that I'd let your friends live if you promised to become my one and only lover. You're my boyfriend and I'm your girlfriend. You gave your solemn oath to never leave my side my dearest. So don't look so down handsome. I know we'll make a lovely couple." She coos as she leans in too close for comfort.

"What kind of girlfriend throws her boyfriend in a dungeon?" I rebuttal while trying not to lose my nerve because Cia's now sitting in my lap.

"It was only for last night Linky-Poo. I know it may not be all too comfortable, but the room you will be staying in wasn't ready yet. It's ready now and the best part is that it's right next to mine. I only want the best for you. After all, I am your biggest fan and I want you near by so I can admire you whenever I want. I'm about to take you to your room, but first we have other matters to attend too." She informs me as she suddenly pushes me against the wall.

Before I can even process what is happening  or say anything in reply, her lips meet mine with more lustful passion than I thought possible. I always thought I would treasure the memory of my first kiss, but now that it's finally happened it has become the memory I want to forget the most.

So, this is my life now. I am going to spend eternity with a woman named Cia as my crazy girlfriend. What did I ever do to deserve this?

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