Best Day Ever

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(Cia's POV)

Yesterday was one of the best days of  my life! Link and Hyrule is finally mine! I knew looking into black magic spell books would be worth it

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Yesterday was one of the best days of my life! Link and Hyrule is finally mine! I knew looking into black magic spell books would be worth it. The immobility spell was the perfect fit along with a misery spell that makes your foe feel immense pain and a memory spell that causes a person to have flashbacks of every terrible moment you have in one's current and past lives. The only one that can break those spells is the castor. In order to spare his friends, Link had to promise to be mine and mine alone. I know heroes always keep their word, so our relationship is here to stay. At last we can be together without that horrible Princess Zelda getting in the way.

Now he is currently residing in the dungeon below my humble abode. I'm about to move him in the room next to mine and I can't wait to see him again. Everything must be perfect for my special someone. I wonder if he's as good as a kisser as I always imagined he'd be. I just have to find out for myself, so I'm heading down there now. After all, what kind of girlfriend would I be to keep her boyfriend waiting.

So, I go down the stairs that lead to the dungeon to see him already awake and clearly aware of my presence. His beautiful crystal blue eyes give away that he's not happy. But after generations of Hylia's reincarnations brainwashing him, I'm not surprised that he doesn't know that I have saved him from an endless cycle of being the royal brat's puppet. So, I sit next to him to greet him to his new life with someone who truly cares about him.

 So, I sit next to him to greet him to his new life with someone who truly cares about him

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"I hope you had a good night sleep. We have a lot planned for today." I whisper softly not wanting to startle him because he still seems a little tired.

"It's hard to sleep with your generals taking turns taunting me." he complains in a grumpy mood. Immediately I made a mental note to make those fools pay for bullying my precious hero.

"I'm sorry to hear that my love. I'll make sure they are to be properly punished. They need to know that no one is allowed to hurt my boyfriend." I tell him while caressing his soft cheek in hopes of providing comfort to make up for his lack of rest.

"Boyfriend? Since when?" He questions as I try to hide how hurt I am that he forgot the best thing that ever happened to me.

"Since last night. Don't you remember? After I won the war, we made a deal that I'd let your friends live if you promised to become my one and only lover. You're my boyfriend and I'm your girlfriend. You gave your solemn oath to never leave my side my dearest. So, don't look so down Handsome. I know we'll make a lovely couple." I coo as I sit on his lap and start to lean in close

"What kind of girlfriend throws her boyfriend in a dungeon?" he asks due to lack of understanding that it was the best I could do at short notice.

"It was only for last night Linky-Poo. I know it may not be all too comfortable, but the room you will be staying in wasn't ready yet. It's ready now and the best part is that it's right next to mine. I only want the best for you. After all, I am your biggest fan and I want you near by so I can admire you whenever I want. I'm about to take you to your room, but first we have other matters to attend to" I explain. I get tired of talking so to speed things up I push him against the wall and get straight to those other matters- his luscious lips.

I don't give him an opportunity to resist and I kiss Link with everything I got. I try to put all the pent up passion and affection I have harbored for centuries into this heavenly make out session. I was so right about him being an amazing kisser. It's like locking lips with a dream. If this kind of bliss is wrong then I don't want to be right.

This is the way things will be from now on. I'm going to spend eternity with the most perfect soul that has ever existed. I don't know how it can get any better.

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