Chapter 5 Friendship

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Mizumi tied up her hair. Her dress itched her skin but it was for money. Books, food. She had to get as much as she could. She heard the door bell ring as someone opened the door. Mizumi turned, a fake smile plastered on her lip. "Wel- Why the hell are you here?!"
The 2 Cheshire's grinned. "Kyoya-senpai said to meet here."
Mizumi glared, screaming, "Leave me the fuck alone will you?!"
Lisa poked her head out from the kitchen. "What's going on, Mizumi?"
She pointed at them, angry, "These mother fuckers are stalking me! Call the cops!"
Rumi giggled, her black hair hair tumbling on her shoulders, her brown eyes bright. "Mizumi-senpai? Would you like to use the meeting room?"
"No way in hell," Mizumi hissed.
Lisalaughed. Full on laughed. Her long brown hair shaking with her body, her gray eyes closed. "Come on, Mizumi. I'm pretty sure they'll give you tips."
The female bared her fangs, "Never!"
Then the door opened and unfortunately for her, the rest of the host club entered. For some reason, it made her queasy. Her stomach lurched in shame as she glared at them. "WHY ARE YOU HERE?!"
Lisa has put the closed sign up so no one would enter. The 2 girls were staring at them over the counter, excited for some reason. She cast them a glare before she sat down. Her maid dress wrinkled as she stretched her legs. She placed a leg over the other, so they crossed, resting an elbow on the table and her cheek on her palm. She inwardly laughed. She must've looked like one of those bosses who doesn't give a shit about no one. Her eyes looked at them, daring them to make a comment. Then there was silence.
She inhaled. Her anger began to boil as the moments turned to seconds. And the seconds turned to minutes. "What do you want?!"
King Playboy asked, "Do you hate the host club that much?"
When he said that, she hardened. 'Do you hate me that much that you'll work extra hours at work so you pay off that debt?' she remembered. She slowly spoke, "What if I said yes?"
Haruhi looked at her with such pity in her eyes, Mizumi hated it. "If I said I hated you for ruining my life, why would it even matter to you?! All you ever care about is your stupid club! It doesn't matter if something whams right into you, you won't even care! You are those snobby rich kids that go to those fucking private schools who rather listen to compliments about their own stupid faces then ever help anyone around you!"
Lisa stiffened at that. Then there was a knock on the door. A male walked in. His black hair combed, his suit ironed and neat. His tie tied wrong because he's an idiot. Mizumi glared at him as he walked by her, winking. "Go away, Snob-Face. It's closed! Learn how to read!!"
Natsu smirked. "Ohhh, Mi-chan has a date with boys does she?? Awww. I didn't know people like you." he said, leaning closer to her. Rumi backed away, behind Lisa, who stared at Natsu with a face that made her aura darken. 'What the hell did he do to them?'
"No." she said, shoving him away, standing up. "If you're hear to pick up a girl, you won't find any who'll fall for it in here!"
Natsu snickered. "You don't know that, Mi-chan. We both know that you want me. Just like you did back then..." he said, whispering it into her ear.
'It's true. I fell for his act years ago. But never again.' she thought. She kicked him in the gut. Her eyes looked like they were burning. "Get the hell away from me."
"Don't you add '-chan' to my name." she said, her voice threateningly quiet. "You know as well as I do that it's just a pick up line so you can break another girl's heart!"
Her aura grew darker by the minute. Then she felt hands on her shoulders. She blinked, her aura disbanding. She turned to see the twins. They looked angry for some reason. She shrugged them off. She walked up to Natsu, grabbing his collar and shoving him into the counter. Her face too close to his for comfort. She hissed, "You better stop messing with people or I'll make you feel the punishments. I'll make it scar on you snobby face, Snob-Face." She then through him onto the floor. Grinding her foot into him, she smiled at the host club. "Sorry about that. If you don't mind taking a seat." in a sickeningly sweet voice. Her smile made her look like she wanted to pound someone's face in. When they sat down, Mizumi dragged Snob-Face to the door. Opening it, she tossed his body outside. She exhaled, rubbing her forehead in wariness. Rumi handed her a drink.
"What's this?" she asked, surprised. She never saw anything like that before.
"Our newest addition to the drink category." she said with a wink. Mizumi took a sip before smiling. Maybe that was why the host club looked at her so surprised when she sat down next to Haruhi, sipping her drink. What they really talked about she didn't really know. But she did know for the first time, she felt like she had friends.
Rumi sat down next to her, Lisa pulled a chair over. And it was happiness. Even if it was only for about 3 hours. When she went home, she lost all excitement. And everything drained away from her when she opened the door to the house.

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