Lets meet

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Alex's PoV

Hi I'm Alex my realy name is Alexandria.
My mom wants us to go meet her friend and her kids. The sons name is Ethan I think and her daughters name is Sara.

I really don't want to meet new people. I'm 13 and her son is 13 and her daughter is 11. My sister is 11 to.

Mom: Alex come on we're leaving

Alex: coming

I walked to the car and we headed to the house. We got there and nicked on the door

We were introducing our selfs when I saw her son


He's so cute. I definitely don't regret anything now

Ethan PoV
Ugh my mom invited her friend and her lane kids. I don't want to meet people

Knock knock


???: hi I'm Mary

Mary: these are my kids cc and Alex

Mom: hey Mary these are my kids this is Sara and this is Ethan

My mom introduced us then I looked at Alex. Wow

She's so beautiful

I don't regret this

Sara and cc ran off so me and Alex went to my room

Ethan:um hi you wanna go play some video games

Alex: sure whatcha got

Ethan: uh castle crashers


We played for like two hours

Wow she's really good at this

Ethan: so you want to go ride bikes

Alex: sure

We got on bikes and just talked
We headed back cause it was getting dark

When we got back she had to leave

We all said good bye

I hope she can come back soon

Hey so this is my new story. Hope people who read it enjoy it. I'll post another chapter soon.

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