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Ethan PoV

So I'm sick and I am not going to be at school. It sucks I wanted to go hang out with Alex and all but yeah

My life sucks

Alex PoV

So Ethan did not walk to school and is not in 1st period so he must be home

The bell rang so I went to my locker when three guys came up and Hannah ran. I didn't even get the chance to understand why.

Bully: hey newbie is Ethan here

Alex: no and you care why

Bully: good

Just then he grabbed me and started punching me. I fell over and he kicked and kicked and kicked

I was in tears and so much pain

To finish it off he through me against a locker and ran the bell rang
I say here for 10 minutes In pain crying

Ethan PoV

So I went to school late cause I felt a little better. It was ten minutes into 2nd. I was walking to class and I saw a horrible sight

I was Alex against lockers all beaten up

Ethan: Alex!!! Oh my gosh

She looks up

I picked her up and asked the office if I could leave and they no me so they said yes

I took her to my house because no one is home for her
I texted her mom everything

I took her inside and cleaned and bandaged her up

I took her to my room to get rest

Her mom got her and took her home

I ate then went to sleep

I hope she's ok. I know exactly who did this to her

Hey so yeah next chap hope you enjoy and yeah bye

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