Truth be told

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( I know this is s major time skip but I want to get to the cute stuff)
2 years later

Ethan PoV

Today I'm going to tell Alex how I feel about her and ask her out

Ethan: hey Alex

Alex: oh hey Ethan

Ethan: come here I um I need to talk to you

Alex: ok

I took to a tree and we put our stuff down

Ethan: so I've known you for 2 years and I um I I really like you

Alex: you do

Ethan: uh yea and I was wondering if you would like to be my uh girlfriend

Alex: of course!

Ethan: huh

Alex: look I liked you since we met

I pulled her into a hug and we stood there embracing the moment. I was really happy. I had no words

Ethan: we should be heading to school now. Come on

Alex: aw ok

I grabbed her hand and we walked silently holding hands. It felt nice really. I mean I love her so much it's not even funny.

After school we went to my house. I put in a movie and me and Alex cuddled on the couch.

She fell asleep on me and soon I fell asleep to.

Today was the best day ever!

Hey yeah short but yay bf & gf
But new chap soon hope you enjoy and yeah bye

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