Chapter 8 Dying his hair??

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*Danielle's POV*

(the same day but later)

Right now me and the 5sos boys are sitting around in there house just watching movies and playing games. We were watching Toy Story and everything was dead silent (besides the TV obviously) until Michael Spoke up.

"Danielle you want to come and help dye my hair with me?" He asked kinda nervous


"oh um sure..?" I was a little skeptical about this.

When I responded his face lit up like a kid on Christmas morning. He jumped off the couch and literally yanked me off the couch and towards my car.

"Michael you do know I have hair dye in my house right?" I said while I sat in the passenger seat. He shut my door and ran to the driver side and hopped in. He put the key in the ignition and my car roar to life.

"Yea but you probably have boring colors like brown, Light brown, blonde, or black! I want crazy colors!" He said making it sound like the most obvious thing

"Well I'm sorry for not knowing because back when I was in Aussie you never dyed your hair"

"Well the more you know! But I missed you" He turned to me

"I missed you too! You don't understand! When I saw you guys on my doorstep last week I thought I was dreaming or something stupid like that haha. I was utterly shocked" I replied

"Yea well when we found YOU we were utterly shocked!" He then turned to me when we stopped at a red light

"Lets listen to some of your music! I haven't really listened  to your music because when it came on I would cry. I missed you guys so much! BUT NOW LETS ROCK OUT!

He then just chuckled and shook his head, "Ok this is off of our new album that hasn't come out yet but this song is already out. Its called 'She's Kinda Hot'" He then plugged it into the Aux cord. Then this sound of a Guitar strumming came on.

Then Luke's beautiful voice filled the car,


My girlfriend's bitchin' 'cause I always sleep in

She's always screamin' when she's calling her friend

She's kinda hot though

Yeah, she's kinda hot though

(Just an itty bitty little bit hot)

My Chick is telling me I got crazy dreams

She's also saying I got low self-esteem

She's kinda hot though

Yeah, she's kinda hot though

(Just a little bit a little bit hot)

She put me on meds, she won't get out of my head

She's kinda hot though

(One, two, three, go!)

My friend left college 'cause it felt like a job

His mom and dad both think he's a slob

He's got a shot though (No, not really)

Yeah, he's got a shot though (No, no, not really)

When you've got bigger plans that no one else understands

You've got a shot though

(Oh my, that's a big plan you've got there)

They say we're losers and we're alright with that

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