Chapter 19

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                         "No, no, no!" I cried, clutching her hand in mine. " You're going to be okay, you're going to live! You're going to be alright!" I sobbed. She opened her mouth to speak, but then started coughing, and she rolled over, spraying blood on the ground.

                          " No, no, no." I shook my head. " help! Someone help her! Someone get out here and help her!" I screamed. No one came. " Get out here! She's dying! Someone help her!" I screamed again, demanding, but still no one. Couldn't anyone hear me? Didn't anyone care that my best friend was dying out  here? She was practically my little sister, I couldn't lose her! I stood up.

                           " I'm gonna go get someone, okay?" I told her, and didn't wait for an answer, I started off, but she grabbed my hand, and I turned to her.

                           " Don't- don't leave me- please." she said softly, and coughed again. I shook my head.

                          "I've got to go get someone who can help you. I'll be right to the Apollo cabin and back, you won't even know I'm gone." I said to her. She shook her head.

                            " Not-" she coughed up blood, staining my white shirt with blood. "Not enough- time." she whispered, clutching my hand desperately. " Stay- with me." I shook my head, tears blurring my vision."

                               " You can't die! I already lost Samuel, I can't lose you too!" she shook her head.

                               " Samuel-" she didn't say anything.

                               " What? What were you going to say?" I asked her, but she didn't respond. I checked her pulse. Nothing.

                               " No!" I cried. " No!" I clutched her to me, her fingers already turning cold.

                                  "No." I whispered, holding her tight, and crying. I heard footsteps.

                                " Are you alright?" Victoria asked, and I looked up at her.

                                 " Paisley-" she faltered, seeing Paisley there, she turned pale.

                                  "Paisley." she whispered.

                                  " What happened?" the boy from this morning asked, looking sad. I noticed just now that he and Josiah were here. The boy reached out to touch her, but I leapt up and pushed him to the ground. Josiah leapt back in alarm, but Victoria just stood there, frozen and pale. She dropped to her knees, and pulled Paisley into her arms, stroking her hair softly. 

                                  " Where were you?" I demanded. "You were the last one with her,  where were you?" he looked frightened.

                                   "She- there was a Cyclops- and she told me to run- and-"

                                    " And you left her?" I screamed.

                                     " Well-but- she told me to-"

                                    " And you listened to her?" he didn't respond.

                                     " It's your fault that she's dead! Get out of here, and don't ever let me see you again!" I screamed at him, and he scrambled away. I turned back to Victoria. Josiah was kneeling next to her, comforting her, as she held the dead Paisley in her arms.

                                      " We'll need a burial shroud." I said bitterly, choked with tears. " For a brave daughter of Aphrodite." Victoria just nodded, and I knelt next to her and Josiah, wrapping them both in a big hug. The four of us had gone through so much. Losing Samuel, my mother, being separated, and now losing Paisley. Now there was only three of us. I couldn't help wondering, though, what she was going to say about Samuel. That didn't mater though. All that mattered right now, was the brave, brave, little girl, dead in my arms. 

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