Five Minutes of Infamy

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I think of the old television shows, where someone would get a few moments to try and impress an audience or group of judges.
Some eccentric host.

My phone vibrates, a message appears from an old lover "you asshole you deserve everything you get."

It's now the number one trending item on some news website.

I get an email. "I am so sorry but in light of recent events we will no longer be able to employ you."

My profile page on some social media website started receiving hate messages a minute ago. People I have never met, normal looking people, grandmothers, children, teenagers.
They write in all capital letters to better portray there ideas.

Hate speech is celebrated when the group focuses on the individual.

Two minutes into the coverage, I hear people outside my house.

Every situation is black or white,
there is no middle ground, no objectivity, it is or it isn't.

The phone rings, it's my mother, I don't answer it.

I unplug my internet and switch on the television, but it's already on the 24hour news station.

People shouting obscenities outside.

In our attempts to become more tolerant and accepting of everyone we created thought crime.

Three minutes since this started, there is banging on my door, the news anchor claiming me to be a reincarnation of some old dictator.

Everyone wants to be a celebrity, we all have the voice to do so, but the problem is when you speak someone might hear you.

A message from the president comes on next, some former host on some game show.

The only game show people are interested in now is, how will you handle your five minutes of fame.

The door breaks open its been four minutes and forty eight seconds.

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