Tension & Clarification

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Chapter 12

Christian's POV

I had always thought girl-on-girl was hot and that threesomes sometimes yielded the best sex, but boy was I wrong. I did not want to seePiper with anyone else even another woman and I certainly did not want to share a bed with her and someone else. I realized all of this when I saw Piper in Carrie's arms. It made me jealous, an emotion I never thought I would feel for a woman. Of course Piper is too innocent to see how Carrie looks at her. I knew I had to interrupt before Carrie did something stupid.

"So where are we going to lunch?" Piper asks, snapping me out of my jealous fog.

"I was thinking Nobu. How does that sound?" I ask her.

"OhI love their cod! It is so good!" She exclaims excitedly.

"Well then off we go." I say, starting the car and pulling out of the complex. It was silent for about three-quarters of the way there since I was still fuming about the Carrie situation until Piper snapped me out of it.

"What's wrong?" She asks, concern shining in her eyes.

"Nothing. Why would you think anything was wrong?" I answered hastily.

"No reason. Never mind." She muttered, the both of us going silent and stewing in our own thoughts.

All throughout dinner a tense silence had settled over our table. I didn't know how to approach the whole Carrie situation because I didn't really want to hear what Piper had to say. What if she told me that Carrie made her feel better than I did and left me for her?

I wouldn't be able to handle it.

Piper's POV

Christian had been silent and tense all evening. He had been fine earlier in the day but ever since coming to see me in the kitchen and finding me with Carrie, he had been oddly distant. It couldn't have been anything I had done since I hadn't seen him today since this morning so maybe something had happened while he was working? I just wished he would tell me what was on his mind. It was finally once we were in the car and on our way home, that I tired asking him again.

"Okay you have barely said two words to me all night. What is going on?"I ask.

"It's noth-" He goes to answer until I cut him off.

"Don't you dare say nothing." I say, my eyes challenging him to defy me.

"It's stupid and you don't need to worry about it." He answers sullenly.

"Ido need to worry about it when it ruins one of our dates." I tell him.

"What? You didn't have a good time?!" He splutters, his eyes wide with panic while glancing between me and the road.

"Christian, I love spending time with you but when you don't say anything beyond your order or how good the meal is, it is kind of hard to have a nice time." I respond.

"Shit." He curses under his breath.

"So want to tell me what is wrong?" I ask.

"CanI tell you when we get home?" He answers. I try to ignore the feelings of butterflies in my stomach when he says home instead of "back to the house".

"Okay but don't think you can get out of this one." I tell him, pointingmy index finger at him sternly. The rest of the ride was not filled with anticipation instead of tension but I just wished we were home already so I could finally know what was going on in Christian's mind right now.

Once we pulled into the garage and the car was parked, I was towingChristian upstairs and into his bedroom. I forcefully pulled him down next to me on the edge of the bed.

"Alright spill." I order. He shifts nervously, eyes shifting and licking his lips every few second while playing with his fingers. "Come on Christian, you know you can tell me anything." I reassure him.

"Well um, it's about Carrie." He mumbles sheepishly.

"What about her?" I coax.

"It's just that well I know you are bisexual and obviously Carrie is too and has a thing for you and what if one day you wake up and realize that you aren't happy with me and you think that Carrie could bring you happiness and then you will be here and I will have to see you with her and smiling at her and laughing at her jokes and smiling tenderly at her and kissing her lips and then I will die alone and depressed and sad and Adrianna would never have a motherly figure inher life and then you would stop making me cheesecakes and all you would make would be strawberry cupcakes which are disgusting and oh my god I am rambling." He rambles. My only response was a fit of giggle that I attempted to smother with my hands. "You laughing right now is so not easing my insecurities." He grumbles.

"Christian why would you think I was bisexual?" I ask, trying to stop giggling.

"Well um, when Carrie made you squirm? Didn't you get turned on? Doesn't that mean you are bi?" He asks, adorably confused.

"ListenI will admit Carrie is gorgeous and turned me on when she trailed her hand up my thigh but she would nor any other woman would ever be able to please me one hundred percent sexually. Now you could please me one hundred and ten percent I'm sure." I tell him.

"Wait so you are not bisexual?" He asks to confirm.

"NoI am not bisexual but I do get turned on by women but only with physical contact and I never feel an urge to react upon my arousal so I have never considered myself to be bisexual. You have nothing to worry about." I reassure him.

"Oh thank god." He breathes before giving me an electrifying kiss. "ButLila is going to be so pissed when she finds out she got cheated into writing Carrie's report." He laughs after breaking our kiss.

"What are you talking about?" I ask, confused.

"Lila and Carrie made a bet that you were bisexual and since Lila voted you were straight but Carrie made you squirm, we all thought she had lost. She is not going to be happy to know that she got duped into writing not only her own but also Carrie's report." He chuckles.

"They bet on me?" I question.

"Yeah but sweetheart it wasn't a mean one so there is not reason to feel hurt. There was no malicious intent whatsoever." He reassures me.

"Well alright, if you say so." I respond. "Well now that we have everything cleared up, I have to go check on Adrianna and finish baking. I will see you later." I tell him, giving him a passionate kiss goodbye.

AsI walked into the nursery and picked up Adrianna who seems to have just woken up, I whispered to her, "You have a silly uncle."

A/N Surprise! xox

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