Boats & Kisses

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Chapter 9

Christian's POV

For the next two months, breakfast together was a routine. Piper is an amazing cook so she was always coming up with new things for us to eat. However, at least once a week, she made eggs Benedict which was always my favorite breakfast together. It was finally after the eighth eggs Benedict breakfast that we had had together when I asked her out.

''Hey Piper?'' I say to get her attention.

''Yes?'' She responds, looking up from her plate into my eyes.

''Would you go on a date with me?'' I ask. As soon as the words are out of my mouth, her eyes get wide as those of an owls and her jaw drops.

''A date? Like a date date?'' She splutters.

''Well, yes of course.'' I respond.

"Um sure." She responds hesitantly, looking down as a light blush stains her cheeks.

"Great! Be ready at 7 tonight." I tell her, getting up to drop my plate off in the sink before making my way to my office.


He just asked me out.

I said yes.

Oh my god.

Once reality finally sunk in that I had a date tonight, I got up to get my day with Princess started which I had a feeling would just be primping for tonight and some stories. She was getting to be pretty big and I had finally managed to ween her off bottles and start with more solid foods. Her blue eyes were getting brighter everyday and you could tell that she would have gorgeous chocolate brown locks just like her uncle.

As I had predicted all I did today with Princess was read her a few stories before putting her down for a long nap. While she slept I took a long bath and then blow dried my hair so that it lay flat with a soft and silky texture. I then painted my nails a light pink before putting on a light layer of makeup. Once all that was done I pulled on a big oversized cream sweater with come sleek nude pumps.Hopefully we wouldn't be having an active date because I was dressed for dinner and a movie.

At 6:30, I woke up princess to feed her her dinner which tonight consisted of blended carrots, peas and broccoli which seemed to be her favorite combination so far. By 6:55 I had finished feeding her, had burped her, changed her and laid her down for the night. I then proceeded to the foyer to meet Christian.

"Wow, you look absolutely stunning." He says, making my cheeks stain with a blush.

"Thanks. You don't look to bad yourself." I respond with the biggest understatement ever. He looked absolutely mouth watering in his tailored suit, making me wish our date was taking place in the bedroom.

"Ready to go?" He asks, holding his hand out for me.

"Sure. Where are we going?" I question him.

"Surprise."He says, a smirk playing on his lips. Lips that I want all over my body. Dammit I really need to get a handle on my hormones around him.

"That is so cliché. Just tell me where we are going." I whine.

"Nope."He answers, ignoring my pleas to tell me the destination for the rest of the ride.

When the car pulls to a stop, it was not to the venue that I had been expecting. Instead of being parked in front of a restaurant, we had pulled into a spot at the harbor. I looked at him expectantly for an explanation but he just got out and opened the door for me while taking my hand and leading me down the dock which was hard to navigate in the shoes that were currently on my feet. After walking, more like stumbling, down the dock for two minutes, we reached the end. There at the end of the dock had to be the biggest boat I had ever seen.

"What are we doing here, Christian?" I ask, confused as to why he is showing me this huge yacht.

"We are going to dinner." He responds.

"Is there a restaurant here somewhere that I am uninformed about?" Iask.

"Yes." He says, before tugging me forwards to the entrance of the large yacht. I was still utterly confused until we ventured further into the vessel. As soon as we breached one of the rooms, everything became clear. We were having dinner on the boat.

"Oh my goodness! Christian it is beautiful!" I exclaim. It truly was. There were fairy lights surrounding the room and in the center of the room was a single table set for two with a single pink rose in the vase upon it. But the most breathtaking part of the set up was the view. I hadn't even realized we had started to move but now we could see the whole New York skyline thanks to the fact that the room's walls were made of glass.

"WellI am glad you like it." He replies, sending me a soft smile that melts my insides.

"So who's yacht is this?" I inquire.

"Mine." He responds nonchalantly.

"Yours?!" I splutter on the sip of champagne I had just taken.

"Yes of course. Who else's would it be?" He asks, thoroughly confused.

"I don't know. Maybe you had rented it or borrowed it from a friend." I explain.

"Well sweetheart you still have a lot to learn about me." He says, as awaiter arrives carrying our dinner.

"That is a very true statement." I reply.


Dinner was absolutely delicious but let's be honest, the company is what really made it so great. Christian and I just talked throughout ourmeal. He was so funny and told the most interesting stories so there was never a dull moment during the whole dinner. I was so sad once we had docked again in the harbor and had to go home. However, I knew that Adrianna would be waking up soon for her nightly bottle, something she has yet to outgrow as I ween her off of formula.

"I had a lovely time tonight." I tell Christian as we make our way upto the door to the mansion.

"As did I." He says, holding the door open to the house for me. He follows me up to my bedroom door.

"Well see you in the morning?" I ask.

"Of course. I wouldn't miss your mouth watering meals for anything." He tells me.

"Oh well then goodnight." I say, a small blush on my cheeks as I move to open my door.

"Piper?" He asks, having gotten closer to me.

"Yes?" I ask. That is when he lays his soft lips upon my own. The kiss is short and sweet, leaving me wanting more. Much more.

"Thank you for such a wonderful evening." He says, before retreating to his own quarters, leaving me stunned in front of my door.


Holy shit.

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