Please don't worry,
I'm in a better place
With butterflies and
Rainbows I'm able to
Don't worry momma
I'm standing with God
He said he'll watch over
You for me, making sure
That you are copping well
Momma don't worry, I'm
With great grandma and grandpa
They said they'd look after me
I also met your sister Anita
She said she'd wanted to meet you
Friends, please don't worry
None of this is any of your
Faults, you all knew this day
Was approaching, not this fast
I love all of you guys and don't
Forget it
Brother, you're to young to
Understand your sister is
Never coming home, I hope
Momma will tell you about me
I really do love ya little brother
Don't worry mom, don't worry
Friends, up here I'm in a better
Place, place with no war, a place
With peace, a place where the dead
Are free to be happy. Happy. That's something I haven't been in a while
But up here I'm happy, and free too
No one up here to bring me down
Only people who help bring you up
Don't worry about me anymore
For once I am truly happy, no one
Up here to bring my crashing down
Up here every one lives in peace and
Last Breath
PoetryThese are just some poems I've made over the past 3-4 years, I'm still working on more