Innocent Girl

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An innocent girl

That's all she was

Wanted friends

To belong

Got called names

Got bruises

Thought nothing of it

As she got older, it got worse

At eight she tried to kill herself

It didn't work, she became thankful it didn't

Things started to get better

Grade six things got worse, then better

Then later she went into grade eight

Thing got worse than ever before

That year she tired to kill herself again

It didn't work, soon scars covered her wrists

She swallowed 17 pills

Woke few hours later and cried

The year wore on and her best friend

Turned against her, another suicide attempted

And do want to know something? That

Girl is me. Battered and scared,

I'm still alive in the living hell

What happened? I was so innocent.

I was pushed around too much

Was hit too much, was called to many names

That innocent girl was killed by everyone

They buried her six feet under

Now they're left with a bitch

A suicidal bitch

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