Toying Emotions

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I have just met you so why is this happening?
I'm falling fast and falling hard
Is it that I just fall to easily?
Or that every morning without fail
I have a text that says 'good morning beautiful'
I'm not used to this feeling
Is it love? Or just a crush?
I love your smile, your laugh
Just everything about you makes me smile

But those butterflies didn't last
I was just another girl who's emotions you could toy
Those good morning texts slowly stop
You're instant replies slowly turned to days.

I thought they're was something wrong with me
That I wasn't pretty enough for you
But I soon realized
You were the ugly one
Toying with every girl you met
And left them feeling worthless

But now a year later, I'm sitting here smiling
Karma has come for you
Maybe now you won't toy with girls emotions

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