Two Hearts

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Two Hearts by Fhrell Cee

Sometimes they rhyme sometimes not... but I enjoyed reading it out-loud nevertheless. 

If only I can love

Both the two of you

Then I shall equally

Part my heart in two

But choose I must

For my heart is but one

And I shall not lust

For two bodies but one

If only I can have

Two hearts in my chest

Then I could have loved

Two lovers at best

But even If I bed

Two bodies by lust

My heart could just have

One lover to love

If only I can do

To not choose from two

For me to continue

To love both of you

But, it, you won't have

A lover to share

For to share only have

The heart to tear

If only I can be

Loyal a lover

For me to need only

Your heart forever

But tempted by lust

Loved one other than you

With only one heart

Divided for two

If only I had not

Forgotten a vow

Then I will need, not

Two hearts to love now

But regrets won't restore

A broken vow's core

And two lovers before

Had turned to no moreֱ

A/N: Found this poem somewhere in my doodles as I was arranging all my doodle books. I can't believe I had almost six  500 pages record books I used this past years for nonsense scribbling... I say wow. ~fCee

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