How it all began

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"Come on mommy! Lets play tag!" Says a petite little six year old. She runs happily in a lush green field. Today was a perfect day for a picnic so the their small family is out. A laugh escapes a young womans lips as she attempting to catch her.

" Now wait up Antumbra! We have to lay out the food remember?" Says Kiyomi. She stops chases her daughter for a minute to look for a spot. She sees a willow tree and sighs in relief. A chuckle is heard from behind her. Kiyomi turns to see her best friend, Mao, holding a small baby girl. She smiles at the two.

"How's little Yukina?" Asks Kiyomi. Mao shows her the little bubbly baby looking at the whole scenery around her. Yukina sees her mother and starts to reach out for her, talking in her little baby language.

"Mamamama!" Yukina cooes out. Both of the older women giggle at her cuteness. Mao motioned to the willow tree that Kiyomi was looking at just a few seconds ago. With a nod they head to the tree to set up the picnic. Antumbra was in clear few trying to imitate marital art moves. She soon sees her mother and aunt with the picnic blanket spread out under them. Antumbra runs to them and sits next to her mother as she picks out a sandwich made just for her.

" Yum! Pb and banana! Did you pack the cake too mommy?" Ask Antumbra.

" Yes I did, but you need to eat first before I give you any cake. Then we can all play. Okay?" Says Kiyomi.

"Yes mommy." Antumbra says as she noms on her sandwich.

Kiyomi returns to feed Yukina her baby food. Mao sits quietly enjoy her rice balls that she packed. She taps Kiyomi's shoulder and she looks at the blue haired woman.

"Yes Mao?" Kiyomi asked.

Mao signed, in sign language, ~ We picked a good day to do this. We are lucky no one comes here.~

"Yeah, we are. This is where I would go to train or relax when I was younger. I'd thought the girls would love this place." Says Kiyomi.

Mao smiled, continued to eat and enjoy the calm atmosphere. Kiyomi thought that a nice family outside would be great. Earlier she had a feeling that something was gonna happen. Actually shes been feeling that for a while now. When nothing would happen she brushed it off and continued her life. It wasn't only the eerie feeling she would get, it was also the dreams she would get

She could remember it vividly. The dreams seemed far too really. Shes in a strange yet beautiful place. It's like a castle. The light beamed on the area just right, it was enchanting. She then sees a tall figure. A male , she thought it looked like even with his long golden hair. But that was one of many reasons why she couldn't look away. His hair was gorgeous. He gave off this glow, this aura that was calm, safe.

She then steped forward and thats when he turned around. She froze in place and looked in his eyes. Those blue grey eyes of his. They showed a variety of emotions but none negative. His skin flawless, the bone structures of his handsome face were magnificent. She then saw his ears. Pointed they maybe but fitted them well. Still she thought of them odd.

He smiled a genuine smile at her. He was happy to see her. She didn't even realise that she was holding her breath.He then spoke," Nín maiar." She didn't understand what he just said but his voice was like music to her ears.

As she was about to say something the whole scenery changed. A place that was beautiful turned into a dark battle filed. Monstrous creatures surrounded her but she also saw men in armor fighting agents them but to no avail. They fell one by one. She was stunned, petrified, horrified!!! How could this happend! ? She then heard a roar that made her ears ring. Running to her was this huge demonic like creature. It was grotesque. Bat like wings, big thick horns on its head, its body had grey and hairy with a disgusting sweaty shine to it and it's eyes as bright and red as blood.

It was running to attack her. Everything was in slow motion. She couldn't understand it. Her first instinct was to run. She fought many people in her life but never a real monster. When she turned she saw an eye, a flaming eye! It filled her soul more with fright the the bat like thing behind her! She gave out a scream when the thing swung his sword at her.

" MAMA!!!" Antumbra yelled as lound as she could, snapping Kiyomi out of her thoughts. She looked at her daughter who was pouting and said ," Oh sorry Antumbra. I wasn't listening. What did you say hun?" The little girl gave out a huff.

"I said I'm finished with my sandwich. Can we have cake now?" Asked Antumbra. "Oh! Yes, here let me get it out and cut you a slice." Says Kiyomi as she takes it out of the picnic basket.

Mao looked at her friend, concerned on what has been plaguing her mind as of late. Kiyomi has failes to tell her friend of her dreams and the feeling she gets every now and then. But even though she doesn't speak of it Mao can tell that something is wrong.

After they had their fill of food and cake they designed to play hide and seek. Mao volunteered to hide with Yukina. But Kiyomi was picked to be the seeker.

" Okay, you guys hide and I'll count. 1...2...3...4... " Kiyomi continued like this for a few minutes until everyone was hidden in the forest around the field. Within a matter of minutes Mao and Yukina were found. Mao signed~ you only found us because Yukina wouldn't stop making baby sounds.~ Kiyomi giggled and signed~ That maybe but you are getting rusty on your stelth. Plus your blue hair is a big give away.~ Mao playfully glared at her. Yukina let off a small cry and was handed to her mother. Kiyomi softly rocked and shushed the baby.

" There there my sweet baby girl. We'll find your big sis. Then we can head home." Assured Kiyomi. Yukina still let out a fussy cry. Sighing Kiyomi looked at Mao for help.

"Mao , I think there is a binky in my back pack can you fish it out of there?" Kiyomi asked. Mao nodded , went behind her and opened the pack. Kiyomi and Mao never leave the house without their packs. People always say that they carry their house init. It's some what true. They had everything but the kitchen sink in it. Soon she found the binky and handed it to Kiyomi. She then placed it in the infants mouth and she quickly calmed down.

"Thats better. Now that this little girl is taken care of lets find Antumbra." Kiyomi says. It took a good 20 minutes to find her. But it was strange. She wasn't hiding she was in the middle of some platform holding a necklace.

"Antumbra, you do know how hide and seek works right? " Kiyomi askes her daughter. Antumbra looks at her mother and smiles.

" Mommy , look what I found! It was just in the middle of this stone thing!" Says Antumbra. Kiyomi handes off Yukina to Mao once agian to kneel down to Antumbra eye level. The necklace was beautiful. It was a light sky blue and it shimmered in the light. It was like an opal stone. The metal design on it was looked like a phoenix and across its feathers was diamonds.

"Oh my, it's so pretty sweetie. Did you really just found it lying here?" Says Kiyomi. Antumbra nodded and unclasp the necklace. She then reached around her mothers head to put it on. While this was happening Mao has noticed the strange markings on the platform. She didn't understand one word of it. It surroundsed them all as they were standing on it.

" Here mama. It'll look much better on you." Antumbra states as she admires the necklace on Kiyomi. She smiles at the necklace and then her daughter.

" Oh thank you honey. That's really sweet of -" Kiyomi was cut off when the platform under them started to glow a bright white light. Then the necklace started to float up above her collarbone. It was also glowing. Soon the light engulfed the four and just like that they were gone.

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