Chapter Thirty Three

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Before the fall, Page had hatted parties and gatherings. She had felt awkward and had never been good at small talk. Therefore, when Vivian dragged her and Kidd to the center of town for a meet and greet, Page had broken into a cold sweat. She would have rather faced a horde of rippers then the residents of Treetop Village.

As it turned out, it was better than she had expected. The residents were polite and she found she had more in common with them then she thought. Most of their talk was about survival on the road and future projects to improve Treetop.

'If only we could get rid of those damn islanders.' Jim Morris muttered as he loaded his plate for the third time. Page frowned. She had heard nothing about this before.

'Islanders?' she asked confused. Jim nodded frowning.

'There is a small lake north of here.' He explained. 'There is a good sized island in the center of the lake. Some travelers made a colony there. The place is a great spot for a settlement. The rippers cannot get to it, and the soil is perfect for planting. Jimbo says if there had been more trees, they would have built Treetop there.'

'Are you complaining about the islanders again?' Jim's wife Nora muttered joining them. 'Let her just enjoy herself. Don't worry her over our problems.'

'I'm curious now.' Page said frowning. Jim shrugged.

'Jimbo and Floyd offered to help them settle in when we found out there were there.' He continued. 'They told them no and made them leave. Since then they keep sneaking into our village and steeling from us. If it's not from the green houses, then they steal from the farm.' He scowled. 'We offered to help them. There is no reason for them to steal.'

'It wouldn't be so bad,' Nora sighed, 'But one of the kids were hurt in their last raid on the green house. He had gotten in their way while they were fleeing and was knocked into a tree.'

'Was he all right?' Page asked worried. Nora nodded.

'Bruises and a few cuts.' The woman assured her. 'Sara patched him up.'

'Has anyone tried to talk to them?' Page suggested

'My wife and I did.' Floyd said joining them, 'They shot at us before we could get the boat in the water. I left a note on the dock telling them they hurt a kid and there was no need to steal. We offered them help.' He frowned. 'It's getting out of hand and Jimbo and I have been talking about trying to catch one so we can find out what is going on. Only problem is they are sneaky. We never know when they are here until it's too late.'

Someone tugged on Page's hand and she looked to see Kidd had joined them. He signed out a message that made her grin.

'That's a good idea little man.' She praised before looking to Floyd. 'While we are on the road, we sting empty cans on a rope to alert us if rippers are near. It should work for your sneak thieves.' Floyd frowned thoughtful for a moment before he grinned wide to her and Kidd.

'That may work.' He said amused. 'We can run wires around the greenhouse and livestock paddock. The cans can hang up here where we would hear it and they cannot. That way we would get the jump on them and figure out what the hell is going on.' Page nodded her agreement.

'There you are Page.' Vivian said joining the group. 'Harrison is looking for you.' She looked to the others. 'Sorry guys, I am stealing her.' Without another word, Vivian took Page by the arm and pulled her toward a reed thin man off to the side of the festivities. His bright red hair was cut almost down to a buzz. As they approached, he watched their every move.

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