Four Rivals Reunited!

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The howling of the summer night breeze, along with the crackling of the tree branches made an odd symphony that flowed into their eardrums smoothly. "What the? Max?!"

May, with Blaziken on her right, and her arm extending out on her left with a pokeball in grasp, stood in a combat stance, ready for an attack. "Blaziken.."

At the sound of her frustration through that word, Ash moved to take a step closer to her. "May, you do not have to act on such thoughts-" he leaps back as her right leg rose to preform a swift kick.

"Blaziken, prevent Ash from getting in my way, at all costs" Blaziken, saddened, nods it's head in agreement to it's Masters terms. "Gengar" she then names. "Come forth and battle against Drew and his Pokemon" next to abide by her commands, was Gengar. A ghost Pokemon that sprung from it's pokeball that instant.

"You need to listen to me, May-"

"I won't! I refuse to hear such nonsense Ash"

Ash's shoulder's lower in distraught, eye's rolling and breaths escaping through his moist lips.
"What about me?"

Their attentions are instantly drawn to a man with silver locks. May's body was the next to shift after her gaze, and she stood shocked, as she viewed the man behind her. "Brendon..." she whisper's, staring to his left for of course, the man by his side was Jasper. "Jace..."

"We got here as quickly as we could, because now it's time for you to come home with us" Brendon cries.

His pleading tone meaning they saw all that from before. "What the hell is all of this shit!?" Jasper ran up to her and abruptly took grip of her shoulder's, shaking her rapidly as his eye's were pierced by her stare. "I understood your goal from the very beginning, but now that I see it personally, are you freaking insane!?" he yells.

"Jasper... because I cherish you as a brother, you have five seconds to remove your hands from my shoulders before I rip you limb from limb and use your flesh as bait to the Magikarp"

For the next couple of seconds, everything was silent. Mother Nature, the Pokemon, and their Trainers. "Good Lord" Brendon had spoken aloud. "You scare me shitless"

"Brendon, take Jasper and go rescue Bella" May exclaims. But of course, Brendon disagreed.

"And leave you to fall under the influence of the seven deadly sins? Forget it! Jasper-"

"I know, I know" He sighs. His lush, toxic stained hair being brushed behind his ears as he drops his shoulder's as Ash had done. "I'll go save the pampered Princess" he snarls, making his way to the crumbling tower of stone.

As the wind picks up and Gengar and Blaziken stand by their Trainer's side, four rivals had gathered, each with their Pokemon and a hunger to battle. Ash still had his gaze locked onto May, Drew onto Ash, and Brendon now staring down Mr Romantic with the green hair.
May? Her gaze was locked firmly onto the ghastly beast that had Ash shielding it.

"I have only one goal in mind.. and that is to slay this bastard of a creature"

Brendon inches in forward and lightly brushes her back. This action alone had Drew and Ash somewhat pissed. "Just relax, this thing is not worth your time"

"Hey, why don't you and your wandering finger's leave her shirt and stay out of this situation" Ash grumbles, that alone having made Drew burst out into a sarcastic chuckle.

"Oh, you are one to criticise here" Ash's cold stare is directed towards him now, as Drew slaps his hands down onto his hips in a disapproving manner. May sighs at this sight. "You are without contact for multiple years, not even attempting to reach out to her, and now all of a sudden you return with memories from a painful past, speaking as if you have a right to control her life? Get lost!"

Screeching from behind the monster, was Pikachu, that just woke from a needed nap. It bounces over the tail and comes racing to Ash's side. It's eye's widen at the sight of May, and it was quick to make a bold dash to be standing before her. It nuzzles into her and May casted a saddened smile down upon the pokemon.

"Forgive me" she cries. "You need to go back to your trainer now"

Understanding her emotional state, it nods, and leaves to be back with Ash. "I suppose this is where things begin to grow serious?" Drew sighs with his usual sly smirk. "Roserade, come!"

"Ah, I suppose we should prepare also, aye Croconaw? Come on out!" at his command, out came Croconaw, the evolved form of Totodile.

This was soon going to turn into a four way match, each participant being old rival's of one another. "Gengar, fall back for this one. All I need is Blaziken for this battle"

"Roserade, Petal dance on Pikachu!"

"Pikachu, dodge it's attack and use Thunderbolt on Croconaw"

"Croconaw, avoid and use Hydro Blast on Pikachu!"

The heated battle had begun. All three men starting the attacks on one another, leaving a clean opening to the only target May had in her eyes. "It's you.." she whispered to herself. "Why did you attack Max like you did, and more importantly, why did you seek aid from Ash? I just cannot comprehend your thought pattern at all, and in all honesty, that's what is pissing me off the most!"

Observing Blaziken's wandering gaze, May whispered into it's ears, and it replied with a faint- "Blaziken" whether or not it was said sorrowfully was unknown. Her Pokemon, her friend, stepped into the centre of the battle, and at a rapid pace, fired attacks from every direction.

As the other Pokemon were momentarily distracted, our heroine took this opportunity upon herself to make a bold dash towards the mysterious beast. Ash see's her in the corner of his eyes as she passes him, and turns his heels around to chase after her. "May- Stop!"

To be Continued.
The Mystery Unravels

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