Chapter 2

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Principal Davis was staring at me with disappointment the only noise was the grumbling of Rick as he held some ice on his eye.

"You know I never could imagine a girl as sweet as you would ever be in my office today but here you are." He said shaking his head I stayed silent not knowing how to respond.

"So tell me what caused you to physically lash out at rick?" Principle Davis said gesturing to Rick who was glaring at me. I couldn't believe I hit him. even if he did deserve it I have never been one to resort to physical violence. Growing up I was the kid that cried if I had accidently stepped on an ant. I gathered my thought and took a breath

"Rick made some rude comments about my father sir, I don't know what happened I just snapped, usually his comments don't get to me but..." I trailed off when the principal gave me a look of pity. He knew the anniversary of my father's death was coming up. I always hated when they gave me that look it was there every time my back was turned and every time they saw my foster parents.

"You fuckin liar you attacked me the minute I came in , I didn't do anything" Rick said turning to the principle.

"Mr. Johnson I do not condone that type of language in my office, say vulgar words like that again and you will receive more than a week's suspension." the principal said in a calm voice. Rick huffed and leaned back on his chair and the principle turned to me.

" Ms. Beaumont because this is your first offence and the anniversary of you father's death is near I will let it slide, however I will not be as kind if you get into another altercation again understood?" he said gesturing to me. I breathed a sigh of relief that nothing would go into my record I needed it to be clean in order to get out of here and to a good college.

"Thank you sir, and I promise you will never see me in this office unless its for a good reason again." I said enthusiastically. He nodded to dismiss us. Out in the hallway Luna and Ella were waiting for me to spill the details.

"Did you get in trouble" Luna said a bit worried

"Nope got off with just a warning" I said School had ended so the halls were empty.

"Thank goodness!!" Ella said with a sigh of relief

"Now let's get the hell out of here, these white walls are getting me depressed and we have to go to work"


At Benny's Books and Cafe...

"Hi! Welcome to Benny's Books and Cafe, what can I get for you today?" I said with as much enthusiasm as I could muster. The man gave me a once over before speaking to me.

"I would like a white mocha wonderland and the Juliet shortcake" He said while looking at the menu

" And what book would you like to get today? " I said writing his order down. What was great about Benny's Books and cafe was that it was a great atmosphere to eat and read. All of the pastries and coffees are named after famous books, writers and characters. You can either check out a book while eating or buy it.

"To Kill a Mockingbird, and its check out not buy." I nodded my head and turn away from him. The sooner he left the happier I would be. The rest of the day went on without a hitch and I was able to sneak in few vamp cake pops much to Ben's disappointment.

"Belle you know that your limit is 2 cake pops" He said as we were closing shop. He was at the register while I was swept the shop.

"I know but Benny you have to realize that when it comes to anything related to sugary goodness you are a genius" I said grinning. Benny or Ben as I sometimes call him was the older brother I always wanted. We met the summer before my freshman year when I had run into the cafe after my foster mom Judy had pushed me down a flight of stairs for the fun of it while her husband Lex cackled on the couch. I had run in here trying to escape what they were gonna do next and Ben and his mom Kelly have been in my life since. Kelly named the store after Ben and he has been running it since he turned 23 last year.

"Just because you say things like that doesn't mean you can finish the pastries before they are sold" He said playfully scolding me.

"How's kelly doing?" I asked wiping the tables and flipping the chairs. The full moon illuminated the cafe as if it were magical, I savored that feeling quietly as I waited for Ben to reply. "She is currently exploring the vibrant city life of Tokyo" He said pulling out a postcard that had exactly what he said.

"I can't believe she is travelling the world right now, the most exotic place I have ever been was the junkyard Mr. Saunders has." I said reliving the stench of rotting metal and trash. someone knocked on the door."Sorry we're closed" Benny said pointing to the sign. The man whose face was shrouded by the shadow his hat cast continued to knock.

"Just see what he wants Benny, he looks like he won't be going away anytime soon." I said going back to wiping the table. I heard the click of the lock turning and the jingle of the door bell signaling someone had come in. "Hello sir, I am looking for a Belle Beaumont. I was told that I would find her here." He said his voice carried an unrecognizable accent yet it felt eerily familiar, I didn't bother to see who he was.

"What do you want with Belle if I may ask?" Benny asked suspiciously crossing his arms and narrowing his eyes. It was something he did to look intimidating. I felt a pair of eyes on me as the man stood there in silence, he cleared his throat. "I have something to give her regarding her father."

This made me pause, I finally turned to see a burly man with inquisitive eyes and hair that was peppered with grey . "I am Belle, how did you know about my father and what do you want to give me?" I asked walking towards benny and the man.

"I used to work for you father, and before he died, he made a will of sorts to give to you once you turned 18.It took a while to locate you which explains me being 4 months late." He said fiddling with the watch on his wrist and checking the time.

I stared at him with unanswered questions that were crowding my brain. I took a deep breath to center myself before setting up a table for Benny, the man, and I. I went into the back and got some tea and biscuit before taking a seat. "Were you close?"

"Not personally, however he was loved by many in his kin- I mean hometown." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a letter with my father's handwriting. I could just imagine him sitting at his desk writing it while cracking a corny joke. "Where are we from?"

"I am not at liberty to discuss" he said with a sad smile. Everything in me was to screaming to ask more to find out more but I held my tongue as he handed me the letter and walked out of the store and into the night. Benny locked the door and turned to me "Open it."

"I can't." I said gingerly hold the letter I as I took a seat. "Why not?"

"Why now... what will it say... just the thought of seeing his handwriting something he touch... I can't handle it, I'm scared." I said as my eyes began to water. Ben took a seat next to me and pulled me into his arms. " Hey don't tear up on me now, when the time is right you'll open it okay. Why don't you take the rest of the cake pops and go home I'll finish up here."

" Thanks Benny" I say as I reach up to kiss him on the cheek, he smiles messing up my hair" No problem Belle goodnight." I smile back wiping the tear that managed to escape and headed towards the door with the cake pops in hand.

"Night Ben"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2016 ⏰

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