Chapter 2

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This is Jack this hotty damn.If you have a better jack tell me the image website so i may use a better one :P.Now who wants to date this dude?!?!



Heading off to English I shake my head wondering why did life give me the most cocky yet annoying guy that is Jack is my cooking partner!I would definitely would have Zoey who barely knows how to cook then a boy who is dating my bully.Ally joined my side while looking at me worried while fixing her brown hair probably cause she had sex in an empty classroom "I'm guessing a bad day?"Nodding a bit we walked into class sitting at a table so we can stay as partners in English class "Yes sadly my partner is Jack and I have to do most of the work."She gasped hugging me immediately and pat my back "I feel sorry for you just do your best to pass cooking class." Sighing I was about to respond to her when the teacher walked in and male spoke "Welcome to class everyone today we are going to talk about what books we will read and what play we will do at the end of the year with the other English class."

Everyone went silent waiting for this and the teacher sat down on a desk fixing his glasses "First of all my name is Mr.Blake and that the play at the end of the year is Romeo and Juliet a classic play from William Shakespeare."People whooped and cheered about the play we are going to do and Ally nudged me whispering in my ear "Oh my gosh Lily you should play Juliet!""Your so good at acting and you need to get out of shy shell!"Mr.Blake looked over at us and raised one of his eyebrows "Now Ally explain to the class why your talking to Lily when I'm about to talk to again?" Ally laughed a bit flipping her hair and smiled innocently batting her eyelashes "Oh well see I was talking to Lily about that she should try out for the play as Juliet since she has great acting talent." He chuckled standing up and took out two scripts of Romeo and Juliet "Lily come up here and do Juliet while I do Romeo."

Blushing a deep red I walked up to the front and everyone went silent watching me like hawks watching their prey.Grabbing the script I opened to a part I like reading "O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?Deny thy father and refuse thy name;Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,And I'll no longer be a Capulet. " While I was speaking I was walking around and everyone gasped while Mr.B spoke Romeo line "Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?" At the end of the lines we bowed and he smiled nodding approvingly "Your friend Ally is right Miss Lily you should try out for Juliet."Nodding I ran back to my table sitting near Ally high fiving her and listened to the teacher "The books we will read is The Odyssey,Hamlet..."



Heading out to the gym I winked at a few girls who were giggling and leaning down a bit showing their cleavage to me.Doing my move most girls love but not Lily I did my movie star grin and lift my shirt for a second show my six pack.The girl group blushed being fan girls about me and started gossiping about me while our teacher walked in.Grinning I see my uncle teaching P.E. again this year and he looked at me shaking his head in disapproval from me showing the girls my six pack.He blew his whistle making everyone get in a line so straight that you can't believe its perfect "Okay guys listen up first we are doing push-ups,sit ups,jumping jacks and then after that dodge ball.""Remember call me Coach Zack."

My uncle or so I call him Coach Zack gave us each spot for everyone where to sit at nodding where he put as at.Of course he put me in the front away from every girl like last year and the girls frowned making me do my cocky voice "Don't worry girls meet me at lunch and one of you may be lucky."Every single girl giggled while a few guys send glares at my way for flirting with their girlfriends;but what can I say I'm a guy that attracts girls easily.It wasn't like that before it was never easy before I immediately went from good guy to a bad guy when my mom died trying to give birth to my unborn sister who also died cause my mom died half-way giving birth.While my dad is barely in my life cause he stays busy selling houses in different states to get money and keep his minds clear.At times I see him but he's with another women each time he comes back.Back to the point since my mom died I became a boy every girl loved when I turned into the most bad boy in school with some good looks.

Coach Zack blew the whistle making everyone start working out and I immediately started doing push-ups with one hand behind my back imagining that its a way to get my mom back.When I did twenty of those I did some sit-ups then some jumping jacks knowing my shirt is going up.Smirking I heard girls giggle with one saying ouch from falling down getting distracted by my six pack.To the rescue for the girls my uncle said its enough and its time for dodge ball. Running to one side a few guy friends of mine joined me who are Jake and Billy with four girls that are named Mia,Zoey,Rose and Jessica my ex.Jessica rest her hand on my arm making me glare at her and I moved away from her while she pouted when the game start "Stop moving away baby you know I love you." Throwing a ball I hit an enemy team member in the chest which also hit another person from the fat on the person (I know rude but i'm fat so lol).Paying attention I threw a few more balls knowing my team is winning and I spoke in anger "Jessica you don't love me cause you slept with another boy named Michael in my own house!"Right when I said it Michael threw the ball hitting my face and I heard Jessica with hate "Yeah well now I'm dating him and remember Jack never mix with any good girl especially Lily."My uncle ran towards me fast worried laced in his voice when I passed out "Jack are you.."

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