Chapter 3

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Walking out of English Ally followed after me while we kept talking "Lily you did really amazing when he threw you to read a line from Romeo and Juliet!" Smiling I shook my head not believing it thanks to being bullied from my family and started climbing up the stairs "I did okay but not well really."" I'm not really good at acting an-" When I went up the last step Michael tripped me while Ally screamed out in fear where I started falling down the stairs repeatedly. Covering my head with my arms during the fall to protect my head from bad damage and after a minute I finish falling down 6 long steps. Groaning in pain I tried sitting up crying out in pain going back down while teachers ran down the stairs to help me. Michael, Jessica and clone of Jessica who's actually Kala laughed looking at me every few seconds. My English teacher ran up the stairs fast picking me up carefully while my head rolls around a bit in pain "Lily listen don't move a lot we don't know what damage happened to you."

The teachers made students walk out of the way the ones who didn't pick me up which was four teachers and Mr. Blake walked me towards the nurse office. From my guess the nurse knew I was coming because she held the door open while Blake (calling him Blake for short guys like I hate using Mr. a lot) rubbed my back stopping right where my bra hook is making my breath hitch a bit. Slowly he put me on the nurse's office bed and I looked to my left flinching seeing a worried Jack looking at me while holding ice to his forehead. Hearing the bell ring I hesitated not wanting to be late but at last my pain over won my worry to a point where I cried in pain. The principal talked with Blake looking at me a few times showing pity then walked off. Blake went up to me while the nurse walked towards me with a leg cast my worst nightmare coming true "Lily don't move all we can see is that you got a broken leg thankfully you didn't get worse."" Because of your smart decision to cover your head if you didn't do that you would of been in the hospital." He lifted my leg up slightly while the nurse put a cast on my leg and I saw that Jack left I guess to class.

The nurse left after she got me to take pain pills and Blake sat on a seat "Lily tell me how this happened and no one will hurt you for telling us the truth." Biting my lip scared to tell him I fidget with my hands trying to ignore the pain and spoke in a light voice "Michael tripped me but it was an accident because he seemed he was walking to class.." He sighed hearing this and leaned towards me while my eyes opened getting freaked out seeing this " Lily your right now the best actress I've seen in my class yet and god your so beautiful and innocent." When Blake said innocent he had his voice going husky making me squirm slightly on the bed "Umm Mr. Blake can I go to class now..." He nodded putting me on the scooter that can rest my broken foot on a pad thing while my other foot walks while my hands hold the bars to keep balance "Your excused so your not late to math have fun and when we are alone call me Jones." Going away on the scooter like thing I went to math class no one said a word while I stayed on the scooter to scared to sit at the desk while the teacher continued introducing herself.


I was furious when I saw Lily went into the nurse office injured thankfully I saw her not injured a lot. For me I was grateful she wasn't bad enough to go to the hospital but yet she got a broken leg. While I pretended to be in pain still with the ice bag on my head my brown eyes blazed in anger noticing how Mr. Blake was touching where her bra clasp would be. Shaking my head I knew I would talk to Jessica and Michael along with Kala for hurting her during lunch. No one will get away hurting the girl Lily who was as sweet as cotton candy with personality.

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