Chapter 5

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                                                                             The person above is Nolan just imagine his eyes a nice soft brown and viola <3.


     Talking to my chemistry teacher I found out that this class will get harder over time. I also found out the name of the teacher was Mr.Azayla which is a very weird last name for a person, but not every last name is a normal one. Saying goodbye to Mr.Azayla I headed to the cafeteria on the scooter taking my time to get to lunch. Passing by Nolan he smiled at me and walked over to me heading to the cafeteria looking at me with worry in his brown eyes "So Lily how was chemistry class, who is your partner for the school year?" Focusing my eyes ahead of me seeing the cafeteria just a few minutes away, I quietly spoke paling when I saw Jessica glaring at me while Jack was talking to her "Well chemistry class seems really interesting and I'm really loving it.Honestly I love how the final project of the year is going to be an experiment what we choose to make for the final...yet sadly I'm paired with Jack for the whole school year." Nolan frowned looking at me for a second and moved his hand slowly to mine in a protective manner "Well let me see if I can switch my classes around so I can be with you in each class. So then you can switch partners so you don't deal with Jack bullying you."

              Nodding slightly I held his hand shyly looking down and I rolled into the cafeteria on my scooter and Nolan walked near me. Every noise went quiet out of no where and I looked up where I saw everyone eyeing mine and Nolan's hands joined together. Jessica stood up and walked up to me sneering and put her manicured hands on her hips "If you think becoming friends or a side fuck to Nolan gets you popular you are fucking wrong. How about you let go of his hand and go to the dumpster and get your lunch which is trash like you are." Tears start forming in my eyes hearing this so I let go of Nolan's hand and quickly rolled down to the lunch area to get my meal to get out of the cafeteria. A kind old lunch lady looked at me understanding what is going on and spoke quietly "What meal would you like sweetie it looks like you need something nice for the bad day you are having." Looking behind me I saw everyone talking again and a sad hurt Nolan was sitting near his football buddies talking but not really listening to the conversation. I saw that his eyes were on me and I looked away putting my head down speaking softly "I just want a chow mien noodles with teriyaki chicken  and some soy sauce on it please." The old lady nodded giving me a big portion on a plate then put it on a tray so I can carry it around easier. Grabbing it carefully,I went over to the register and typed my lunch number in and rolled over to a lone table. Putting the tray on the table I slid onto a seat carefully and started eating my meal thinking how worthless and weak I am. That me Lily will never find love since I'm ugly, fat, worthless and a loner who doesn't know how to defend myself. Like who would date a girl like me and actually love me for me. A tear dropped off my face onto my food and just now I noticed I was full on crying quietly. Putting my head down my hair fell around my face and my tears were hidden by everyone.


       Talking to my buddies from football I looked over at Lily worried for her seeing that she was sitting alone. Sean whacked my back slightly getting my full attention and all the football players looked at me "Dude what is wrong with you, stop eyeing Lily she's a loser not one of us popular kids. We have to listen Jessica after all she's the principals daughter." Looking at all of them I shook my head and stood up quickly glaring at them "All of you guys know Lily is a really nice girl with some really good looks. If she wanted to she can be a cheerleader, yet she doesn't because she is afraid of being picked on worse by everyone." Sean was the second best of the team and stood up looking at me with his green eyes, some of his red bangs went in front of his face slightly "Dude if you think that then bring her over here and ask her to homecoming. After all homecoming is a month away and you don't have a girlfriend." Looking at my whole team some looked away not liking how they are going against Jessica's rules and the rest of them nodded determined to finally have control of their high school lives again.The seniors were all with me and shooed me to get Lily over here to eat with us. Jogging down the stairs I went over to Lily and knelled down to look at her. Her dirty blonde hair covered her face and I slowly pushed the hair out of her face. Studying her face up close I noticed she was very beautiful,yet she hides her true beauty by being picked on. Looking towards her eyes I saw a bruise near her eyes making me frown, slowly I touched her bruise and she flinched away. Lily looked at me quickly with blue eyes fear in them,yet a hint of sadness "...Please don't hit me.." Standing up I picked her up setting her on her scooter,while I put her tray in my hand "I won't hit you Lily honestly. Come eat with me and my buddies all of us will accept you for who you are." Confusion flashed in her eyes and she followed after me up the ramp to our table a little ways from the teacher table "Why are you accepting me in..I'm not popular and if you accept me in Jessica will flip.." Setting her tray down next to where I was sitting my buddies moved closer to block the view of Lily out of Jessica's view. Lily sat on an extra chair Sean moved over to the table while I was getting her and I sat next to her grabbing her hand "We are done dealing with Jessica controlling our lives in school. Someone needs to start standing up and the football team will be a perfect start." Lily nodded slightly going back to eating showing that to us, we should start eating and that she didn't want to talk. Eating my sandwich from subway I looked towards Jessica who is looking at our table trying to figure out who we have at our table. Lifting my head up feeling brave now I stopped eating my sub and looked at my team. They nodded in understanding and each one stood up moving around in a football formation. Sean started playing Charlie Puth with Marvin Gaye ft. Meghan Trainor and I stood up turning Lily to face me slowly. Her face was bright red by this sudden attention knowing everyone went silent and looked straight at us "Nolan what are you doing...please I don't like this attention..." Slowly my football players started to move around doing words that will add up to the question will she go to homecoming with me. The cheerleaders started to notice what the football players were trying and joined their boyfriends or even crush cheering the question to Lily. Looking at Lily I looked at her and spoke loud enough everyone to hear "Lily I'm tired of everyone rejecting you for who you are because of Jessica and I hate that. So what I'm asking you if you would love to go to homecoming with me. I would after all need a date to homecoming I can't just go alone as a football player and I would love to have you with me. I'm also asking if you want to be my girlfriend." Lily went bright red in shyness and looked away making the music stop and the football players with the cheerleaders stop moving. 

   Teachers started to get up from the table they were eating at thinking this was a prank to get Lily's life worse and Mr.Blake started moving quickly over here. He seemed like he was annoyed getting his detention slips out and his pen to send us to detention. Lily looked back at me and spoke softly but enough for people to hear, making Mr.Blake stop in his tracks quickly hearing the answer "Yes Nolan I would love to be your girlfriend and your date to homecoming." All the teachers sat back down, except for one which was Mr.Blake who was glaring at me and the team. Every group started to gossip quietly wondering if Lily drugged me,got pregnant or even sucked me to get me to ask her out for homecoming and to date me. Jessica stomped her foot and grabbed Michael's hand quickly dragging him to who knows where. Kala followed after them quickly leaving Jack behind like he wasn't important which confused me.Jack glared at me his brown eyes seemed to be darker and walked off quickly looking at Lily for a second. Mr.Blake walked over to us and wrote down each of our names but Lily's on detention slips handing it to each of us with a glare. Mr.Blake looked at every person who got a detention slip speaking loudly and glared at me for a very long time "Detention after your football game on Friday night and please don't bring food or anything that shouldn't be at detention. Please don't skip it because if you do, you will not be able to play the next football game." Looking at my fellow players we nodded at the same time understanding and I looked at Lily who was still blushing. Mr.Blake walked away and everyone sat back down going back to eating, and I kept looking at Lily knowing it was worth it getting detention to have this beautiful girl as my girlfriend.

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