Chapter 2

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I gathered all my items I needed for my first class and head to the classroom after making some wrong turns I finally made it, walking into the classroom I was put in a daze by seeing Luca in the back talking to some girl they were laughing at something she just said, a scowl was starting to form on my face I quickly found a seat and sat down where Kenzie was.

"you ok?" I look at her confused " yeah why?" She looks at me and then looks at Luca them looks back at me and smirks "you like him don't you!"

My eyes double I whisper harshly "hell no, why would you think that! I just met him today."

Kenzie rolls her eyes and smiles she was about to respond until the teacher came in "hello class I am Mr. Charles and I will be your math teacher this year if everyone could pull out a notebook we will begin the guidelines and expectations for this class." I opened my notebook and started writing down what Mr.Charles was saying but got distracted by the giggles that was happening behind me.

I turned around real quick to see who it was and the same damn girl was giggling at something Luca said to her I turned back around something was boiling in me but I don't know why I was so mad all of a sudden what the fuck is so funny. What seemed like a growl came out of my throat I looked around to see if anyone heard it thankfully no one did.

I got a hold of myself and finished the rest of the notes.

  After the last period was over I found out that I had every class with Luca I was happy a little bit but also mad a little too even though I didn't know why I felt sad because he acted like he didn't know me but I knew he saw me I could feel him staring at my back in almost every class. I put my stuff up from gym and head to the front of school to wait for Kenzie I spot her and run over to her "how was your first day." 

She looks at me and thinks for a about two minutes before responding "The day was good. but I just realized that I have to come back to this hell hole for the next ten months."

I chuckled "Think of the bright side after those ten hell hole months we will be out of here and headed to college and sharing a dorm." 

She nods while thinking about it " your right, c'mon I'll drop you off at your house."

I decline the offer I needed to walk and clear my head after today, we part ways and I walk out of school and plug my earphones into my phone and listen to some music while I walk to the trail that leads me to my house as a shortcut since my house is twenty minutes away from school with traffic and streets, taking the trail will cut my walk by ten minutes. 

I am a few moments into my walk and I start feeling like something is following or watching me I turn my head around and see nothing and continue my walk but turn down my music to make sure I can hear if something Is walking or near me.

Maybe i'm just being paranoid soon as that thought came in mind I heard a twig snap behind me OH HELL NO. I turn around to look what it was fear adrenaline starts pumping through my veins I turn back around and start to jog to my house not looking back once.

I see my gate to the back of my house I open the gate and run to my back door opening the door I run through and shut it as soon as I possibly can and press my back to the door and breath in and out and hope I don't die of over hyperventilating. I regain my composure run my fingers through my hair and walk to the kitchen where I wash my hands and get some water and go to my living room and watch TV.

I hear keys jingle from outside my front door and see my dad and mom as they walk in my dad walks over to me and he kisses me on the forehead while my mom comes to hug me somethings up, their acting way too nice have I done something? My mom sits down next to me and smiles really big "mom, are you ok?." I drawl out.

 "I'm fine. my wonderful, beautiful river." She responds. 

What is wrong with her I scrunch my eyebrows confused why both my parents are acting this way until realization dawns on me "No! mom not again please." I look at both of them frantically scared of the answer.

"I'm sorry honey but you know the drill its for my business at the law firm for the boss to come over once a month to discuss the salaries for our investments and today's the day my new boss is coming over and I would like to make a good impression on our family."

I'm completely Irritated now I'm always alone at those stupid meetings all of my moms bosses are super old and all they talk about throughout the whole dinner Is bank this, bank that it's so boring. 

"Mom I'll go over to Kenzie's and I'll come back after your dinner is over."

My mom starts shaking her head already disregarding my idea"I'm sorry pumpkin, but my new boss has a kid your age I wouldn't want him feeling misplaced it would be better if you just stayed here so he had at least someone to talk converse with."

"but ," I tried to argue but she's not having it.

"River green your staying for this dinner and that's final now go upstairs! and get ready they will be here in two hours and if you don't come down here I will drag you down here now go!" She yells I groan but go upstairs and start to get ready.

I looked in the mirror after curling the last piece of my washed and blow dried hair. My mom takes these dinners super serious so I have to make sure I'm on my best behavior so I don't get scolded later. I look at myself in the mirror and see my makeup and hair is done to perfection and my outfit is just a casual red floral sundress.

I grab my phone and head downstairs and watch some TV my parents are downstairs and dressed professional I hear the door bell ring and rush to it. "I got it!"

I open the door confused to see Luca standing in front of two people our eyes connect and I feel electricity starts to float in the air, my temperature starts to rise when I see the way he's looking at me, and I can't help but notice the way he looks at my legs his eyes travel back up to my eyes the heated look on his face makes my thighs clench but I clear my throat knowing right now is not the right time to be getting turned on.

I step aside and motion for them to come in.  "Welcome! to the green household." With a smile I let them inside of my house.


 I just wanna say thanks to everyone who is reading my story and I hope everyone is enjoying it so far till next time everyone.

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