Chapter 4

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I woke up feeling somewhat different my vision is super sharp even though I already have good vision I see clearer compared to even last night.

I walk to my bathroom and do my whole morning routine until I smell this really good smell which consists of bacon I literally just close my eyes and let my nose carry me where to go and I soon find myself downstairs seeing my mom cooking bacon and eggs .

I happily sigh and say "good morning everyone of existence your queen has awoken." I started laughing while my parents looked at me like I was crazy when I tried to speak in my beautiful British accent.

I shrug when my father questions me and I grab a few strips of bacon while I text Kenzie to see if she is on her way.

My bae: I'm on my way I'm just tying my shoe

Me : lol Ty ur shoe so u don't fall over like last time

My bae : whatever miss I sniff my crushes

I gasp at that and start blushing remembering I did that on my last  birthday and now I suddenly remember

Me : omg I totally forgot my birthday was coming up you just reminded me

My bae : lol what kind of person forgets their own birthday (dumbass) still love you though

Me : screw u ill see u when u get here

I watch sponge bob for what seems like hours till Kenzie gets here and then I yell goodbye to my parents and come outside .

Me and Kenzie hold hands and walk into school we hug and we head our separate ways until first period I sigh realizing what happened yesterday with that weird note and rose but I shake it off when I see Luca.

Suddenly a smile forms on my face even though I only see his back while he's getting stuff out his locker I sneak up behind him and push him giggling but stop when he grabs my wrist .

"ow." I say when he adds extra pressure his whole face changed from panicky to worry.

"river gosh sorry you scared the crap out of me I honestly didn't mean to." He says .

I look at him a nod understanding if that was me I would of probably decked him in the face all of a sudden he re grabs my wrist circles his thumb over the area he grabbed and brought my wrist up to his lips and kisses it for two seconds then dropped my arm all together.

I start blushing when I hear the 'awes.' Coming from the other students but I still roll my eyes at the clicheness of it all I open my locker , grab my stuff and me and Luca both head to first period walking next to each other but also not saying anything.

Lunch finally rolled around and I decided to grab a salad since today was Friday and I was gonna pig out tonight and tomorrow anyways .

After grabbing my food I head to my table to see Kenzie and Lucas friends all sitting down and talking about sports while I look around for Luca once I cant find him.

I ask "hey have you guys seen Luca I could of sworn he was right behind me?"

I scrunch my eyebrows when everyone start looking at me until I realize how needy I sounded I groan when I hear the boys start laughing until drew speaks up "ha river you must really want the D." He hollers and start making those weird boy barking noises .

I put my head on the table when other tables around us start looking at me like I'm thirsty or something Telia and Kenzie pat my back while they giggle at the situation.

'how could this get any worse' I think to myself but the laughter starts to die down and I then slowly lift my head back up and out the corner of my eye I see Luca coming towards us he smiles at me so I smile back as he sits down the whole table gives me suggestive looks.

"ah lucster river here wants your D." Drew then says.

My eyes widen when I see one of Lucas eyebrows raise and when he slightly smirks I immediately start trying to defend myself " No that's not what even happened what happened was I was just asking where you were so I knew you didn't get lost or abducted or som-."

Luca then cuts me off when he starts chuckling "don't worry drew plays a lot I know he was just Kidding." He went to go get some food but before he did he went over to where I was sitting and whispers in my ear "but you could get it any time." He sees my shocked expression to his words and he walks away with a smirk on his face 'cocky bastard' I think to myself.

After school I decided to have Kenzie drop me off because I was honestly too scared to walk home to where something else might have happened and I wouldn't be prepared but I just told her I wasn't feeling well enough to walk home so I'd rather her take me home.

we said our goodbyes once we pulled up to my house. Taking a breath I let realization hit me while I collected my self after my day of school.

I went to go get a snack only to see a note

        Hey honey we are going to be staying out late for a date night but about time your reading this you will be out of school make sure you get out of the house to go to the park maybe you haven't been there in a while
                                Love , mom and dad

I sigh but slightly chuckle I can only hope to have a fun love like theirs one day. I look up at the stove to see its been only ten minutes from when I got home from school so I decided to grab an apple , water and a book and head to the park like my mother suggested.


My nerves seem to be completely gone I went from having so much energy when I got here to just feeling calm and looking at the pond while I sit by a tree.

"boo." Someone shouts from behind me then grabs my shoulder instantly my reflexes kick in and I grab their hand flipping the person over.

"what the hell!" Exclaimed a very pissed Luca.

" I-i y-you scared the shit out of me." I said while trying to calm my breaths.

He starts laughing while I'm still trying to catch my breath , he then stops when he notices I'm not okay he picks me up bride style and I start panicking.

" what are you doing put me-." I'm cut off by Luca.

"shut up you need to calm down or your gonna pass out okay!" He said with urgency but also with concern.

I nod my head while I breathe in and out when he puts me down by the tree I was at and pulls me into a hug almost instantly I start feeling better just breathing in his pinecone cologne made me feel secure and safe the tingles started erupting but we pulled apart soon after.

I smile and lean my back on the tree but then my phone rings interrupting my haze.

Momma bear : honey we are home we would like you to come home now we brought you leftovers

Me : ok see you In a few

I stand up and look at Luca "um I have to go home so I'll talk to you Monday."I say

he nods and I leave but start smirking when I feel his eyes on my retreating form so I add in a little sway to my hips and continue walking.

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