c h a p t e r e l e v e n

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I woke up the next morning still sitting on the couch. My head was leaning against the back of the couch, my legs propped up on the coffee table in front of me. In my lap was Luke's head. He was snoring peacefully, his hand covering the skin on his stomach that was showing where his shirt had ridden up. "You're looking comfy," Calum says, grinning at me from the recliner.

"Shut up," I say. "We were up late talking last night."

Calum laughs but stays silent. I frown, staring at Luke's snoring figure in my lap. I end up poking his face. His eyes eventually open. "What?" he grumbles, rubbing his eyes. "Oh, hey Alex."

"Hey, can you get off me please? Today is busy," I say, gesturing to his huge body covering mine.

"Oh, sorry," he sits up, fixing his shirt. "Think I'm gonna go back to bed."

I roll my eyes. "Have you forgotten what we've talked about last night? You gotta get ready too."

Luke groans. Slowly, he gets up from his spot on the couch and trudges into his room, I'm assuming so he can get dressed. "What were you guys talking about?" Calum asks, his eyes trained on my face.

"Luke told me about you guys volunteering yourselves to help Harry," I say. "Although I don't completely agree, Luke was adamant, so you guys need to come to the meeting today. It's at noon," I say, glancing at the clock. "And it's already 10:30."

Calum nods. "We'll be ready," he says, getting up from the recliner and going into the kitchen. Everyone is already in there aside from Luke. Emily and Harry are up by the oven, whereas everyone else is sitting around the large dining table that could easily fit 20 people.

I take a seat on the counter next to the oven, watching Harry and Emily cook. "I wish I was a chair, so I could support you," Harry says to Emily, making her face go red.

"Jesus Christ, Harry, that was horrible," I say, smacking my hand to my forehead. "Worst pickup line I've ever heard."

"It was cute," Harry protests, crossing his arms.

"Yeah, it was cute," Emily agrees, sticking her tongue out at me. "You're just jealous because Niall hasn't tried flirting with you at all."

"Shut up," I say, hopping down from the counter. "Shane, how long until we have to leave?"

"An hour," he answers, glancing at me for a second before returning to his conversation with Liam and Michael.

"Cool cool," I say. "See you then."

"Aren't you hungry?" Ashton asks. "Niall practically forced Harry to cook for us, might as well take advantage of it."

"Nah, I don't really eat breakfast," I say. "Thanks though."

I go into the bedroom I was supposed to share with Emily and pull a pair of shorts out of my bag, along with a black tanktop and a black and red checkered flannel. I take a quick shower and get dressed. I throw my hair into a bun and leave my face free of makeup, and go back out to the kitchen. "Ready to go?" Shane asks.

I nod. "As I'll ever be."

We pile into two separate cars and drive to the warehouse. "So that's what this was," Michael says, climbing out of the car. "I've always wondered."

Shane goes to the door. Madison immediately let's us in, recognizing Shane, Emily, and I. "Val's really excited," she informs us. "She's ready to get this show on the road."

No one says anything. Madison leads us up to Val's office yet again. The door is already open when we get there, Val pacing the floor in front of her desk. "Ah, hello guys," she says as soon as she sees us. "I have a surprise for you?"

"Surprise?" Shane asks. "What?"

Val nods towards the door we had just went through. "He should be coming back any second, just had to run to the bathroom."

Emily and I look to each other before looking back at the door. A different door shutting is heard from down the hall, before footsteps that gradually grow louder as they grow nearer. Finally, a man is stood in front of us, wearing boots, dark blue skinnies, and a white t-shirt. His large "ZAP!" tattoo stands out against his skin, and what's left of his shaved head is back to its original color, black. "Zayn!" the One Direction boys rush forward, engulfing him in a hug.

"Hey, guys," Zayn's voice is heard, muffled because of all the limbs pressed against him. "Long time, no see."

"What are you doing here?" Niall asks, pulling away from the hug first. "Why aren't you in England?"

"I'm here for Harry," Zayn says. "Val got a couple of people together and called me, we're taking him and hiding him out until this whole thing is over."

"But I wanna help," Harry says. "This is all because of me, I feel horrible enough that you guys are already doing this, I need to be with you to help too."

"No, Harry," Emily says. "We've told you already, we can't risk you getting hurt. You're going with Zayn. It's for the best."


Short and horribly written.

I'm so sorry, I'll try harder next week. I've been busy, and I'm having some family troubles that needed to be tended to.

Question of the day: If I reposted a Niall Horan that I had started about a year ago, would you read it? It's from my old Wattpad, and I had just found it again. Basically what happens is this girl runs away and meets this gay guy named Seth. She rooms with him and yeah Niall is Seth's stepbrother, but Niall is a total ass.

All the love xx

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