Solangelo: It's Just a Dare

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Okay so this one Nico and Will have been dating secretly for a while and no one knows, not even Jason. I didn't want to explain this in the story, so yeah, they're a couple.

It was just a friendly game of truth or dare. They were walking around in the city, the seven, Nico, and Will. It had started out nice and sweet. Simple things like Hazel eating everything available on an expensive hotdog, or Jason having to tell about the time he nearly got himself killed by doing a cartwheel into the river in New Rome; they had all laughed at that. They were walking down the sidewalk when Piper and Annabeth stopped and grabbed Hazel's arm, dragging her into a prom store. The guys sighed following their girlfriends inside.
Nico and Will followed in the back, Will occasionally brushing his fingertips up Nico's arm comfortingly because Nico was always nervous in the city. He would also lightly bump his shoulder against Nico's who would smile slightly and blush. Nico paused in front of the door to the shop uncertainly but relaxed when he felt Will's hand resting lightly on his lower back. He sighed and walked in slowly taking in all he saw.
He saw dresses in every color and every design. He took a sharp inhale as he saw a beautiful peach sleeveless dress. He loved it. It's not that Nico was extremely feminine or anything, he just enjoyed it sometimes. He personally loved dresses like that one. He would sometimes paint his nails, but always stuck to black or dark dark blue. He'd sometimes even wear perfume, but not that strong smelly stuff a lot of girls wore. No, he liked a scent that was barely there but still noticeable if you tried enough.
Will smirked. He knew Nico would love to try in a dress, and personally Will had never seen him in one. He looked in the direction Nico was staring dreamily at. Immediately Will saw a peach dress which would make Nico look even more beautiful then Will already thought he was. Nico was beautiful, but now Will wanted to see him in that dress. He would look gorgeous.
Nico broke out of his trance and lightly brushed his hand over Will's. Will shook his head slightly and looked down at Nico who nodded his head in the direction the others had went. They walked deeper into shop bumping into manaquins and brushing against dress and tuxedos. The girls were going through dresses when they reached them while the guys sat in chairs next to the dressing room looking bored. Nico sat on a love seat next to Will close, but not too close. No one else knew about them yet.
"Percy,"Annabeth called from an isle away. "Come here and look at this tux! I think you'll like it!"
Percy sighed and grunted as he got up from a chair unfortunately close to the ground. He popped his back.
"Be back in a minute," he said and he pointed at Jason. "You'll probably be next."
Jason chuckled as Percy sauntered over to Annabeth who went chattering away about a blue tux which Percy obviously didn't like.
"Well while we're here, let's get back to truth or dare," Jason said rubbing his hands together.
The others nodded and Jason still rubbing his hands together looking around at the group. His eyes landed on Nico who gulped. Will couldn't do anything to comfort him and Nico had bad anxiety with these things.
"Nico,"Jason said as he narrowed his eyes thinking. "Truth or dare?"
Nico sighed. Truth would be terrible. He didn't want to say anything personal. Plus there was always the chance that Jason would ask about crushes and Nico wasn't completely ready to tell everyone he and Will were dating.
"Dare," he said, trying his best to sound calm.
Jason grinned wickedly before looking around the shop.
"You're screwed now di Angelo," Leo said chuckling as he watched Jason's head swing back and forth between the dresses and the dressing room. He laughed to himself before speaking again.
"Nico, I dare you, to go find a pretty dress and go try it on."
Nico almost squealed with excitement, but he kept it contained because yet again, Will was the only one who knew about his feminine side. He took a shaky breath and got up slowly. The other snickered, all except for Will who had a glint in his eye and a small smile playing at his lips. Then Nico got an idea.
"Will, would you help me pick out a dress? I don't know anything about this stuff, I don't even know my size," he said calmly.
Will tried not to jump up too fast.
"Sure," he said trying to hide his shakiness. He hopped up and followed Nico towards the front of the store where they saw the sleeveless peach colored dress Nico loved.
When they got there, Will took the opportunity to grab Nico's arm and pull him into his chest. Nico looked up as he wrapped his own arms around Will's torso, smiling shyly. Will kissed his forehead and chuckled.
"Well now we both get what we want. You get to try in this beautiful dress here and I get to see you, my beautiful boyfriend, in said dress."
Nico nodded happily. He stood on his tip toes and pecked Will's lips lightly. Nico smirked.
"If it fits well we can come back later and I can buy it," he whispered looking down at his feet.
Will beamed and nodded. He released Nico and took the dress off the rack. He handed it to Nico who jumped slightly, giddy and excited to get the dress on, even if he had to pretend like he hated it.
They walked back and Nico went into the dressing room quickly as the boys snickered again as he shut the door. He quickly stripped and pulled the dress over his head softly. He put his arms through the holes and adjusted the dress. Finally he looked in the mirror.
He gasped. He loved it. Absolutely loved it. He wanted Will to see it, and he wanted to know Will's opinion. He wanted Will to see it first by himself.
"Will!" He called. "Come help me with the zipper please!"
He heard the light padding of Will's feet coming into the dressing room and a light knock on the door. He opened it and Will gasped. Nico shushed him and pulled him inside shutting the door a little too loudly.
"Well?" He asked expectantly.
"Nico,"Will said slowly."You're beautiful, and it's perfect on you."
Will wrapped his arms loosely around him and leaned in for a small kiss. Nico put his hands on Will's chest and leaned against him as Will rested his hands on Nico's hips. But then Nico broke the kiss.
"Later," he whispered and opened the door. He walked out slowly and wiped the smile off his face replacing it with a scowl.
He came out of the dressing room to several speechless demigods.
"Woah,"Leo said and leaned forward in his seat as if it would allow him to study Nico further. Nico crossed his arms over his chest and hunched over pretending to be embarrassed. Will walked out behind him straight-faced and discreetly placed his hand on Nico's lower back, calming him down a bit. Percy and Annabeth came out from behind a rack of clothes and both stopped short staring at Nico.
"Nico,"Piper spoke smiling. "It looks gorgeous on you!"
The guys laughed but Annabeth, Hazel, and Percy nodded in agreement.
"Whatever," Nico grumbled and grabbed Will's arm pulling him back into the dressing room. "Help me with this will you Solace, it's too tight." He slammed the door the turned, a smile on his face and wrapped his arms around Will's neck pulling him in quickly for a kiss.
"Oh yes," Will said looking Nico up and down. "We're definitely coming back for this dress."
Nico chuckled and kissed him again.

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