The First Battle

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Third Person POV

Before Percy could push open the doors to the entrance hall, a menacing voice echoed from outside.

"Perseus Jackson, the time has come for you to be destroyed."

Percy rolled his eyes and pushed the doors open.

"You've said that before, yet here I am, man."

Kronos had taken Luke's form again. He wasn't doing himself any favors, as Annabeth snarled angrily when she saw him.

"This time is different. I have allies you wouldn't dare dream of and-"

"Voldemort? Meh."

The wizards, who had gathered on the lawn behind the demigods, began to murmur amongst themselves.

Harry scowled. He acts like the Dark Lord is child's play!

"Jackson, today you will meet your doom, along with your little friends."

"Yeah right. We've got one little thing you two don't have, Grandpa."

More murmurs from the wizards. The creature in front of them couldn't be more than 6 years older than Percy, yet he called him Grandpa.

"And what would that be, dear grandson?" Kronos sneered.

Percy grinned. "A strategy."

Kronos sneered again and disappeared, Voldemort vanishing with him. Their voices rose from behind the huge army of monsters. "I think you will find you are missing something, Perseus!"

The son of Poseidon frowned. Then he turned to look at the group around him.

"Where's Emmy?"

Luna shrugged. "I thought she was sick, she didn't show up for class today."

There was a scream from the army facing them.

"Emmy!" Nico identified the voice first.

"Wait, Nico, we can't just go charging in, we need to work this out like we discussed!" Annabeth grabbed hold of the son of Hades' arm.

"Percy! The help is here!" Thalia pointed.

The group turned to see who was coming towards them.

The force of girls in silver was accompanied by a blond boy, a brown haired girl and a girl with dark hair who was leading an assortment of others that were all marching in unison.

"Reyna, good to see you here!" Percy called. "Oh and Thalia, you can go with your girls."

Thalia nodded and ran over to Phoebe, who greeted her with a quick hug before asking a question, presumably what their strategy would be. The daughter of Zeus pointed back at Percy, making the other Hunters scowl.

"Alright, I'm going to pair you up. Nico, work with Hazel. Will, you're on your own until we get Emmy out of there, she'll be your partner."


"She's your half sister." Percy said shortly before going on. "Ginny, Hermione, Luna you three work together." The girls drew their daggers and nodded.

"Draco you're- wait, where's your weapon?"

The son of Nemesis smirked and untied the brown leather bracelet on his wrist. The cord lengthened into a 10 foot whip.

"Taking after your mum?" Luna teased.

"Absolutely." He snapped the whip once, grinning.

"Alright, you're on your own, gods know you can handle yourself. Frank, you work with Clarisse. Calypso, Neville, you work with Katie." The girl who had just shown up smiled at the other two.

"Reyna's working with her cohort. Annabeth, work with Malcolm. Thalia, spread your hunters out and provide cover fire!" Percy had just noticed the army was slowly but surely advancing. The hunters began to dash off, their silver uniforms flashing like beacons as they picked spots to fire from.

"Piper, I'm pairing you with Leo, just do what you two do." Piper nodded and Leo grinned like a maniac.

"What about you and Jason?"

"We're doing a little bit of everything. Jason's going to observe from the sky and help whoever needs it and I'm going to do my stuff." Percy smiled widely.

"Alright, this is for our friends. We're here to save lives, got it? Now let's go!"

The demigods split into their groups and began to sprint towards their enemies.

Midstride, Frank transformed into a grizzly bear and slammed into a Laistrygonian giant. Clarisse, on his heels, slammed Maimer 2.0 into the head of a cyclops.

Jason took to the air after only a few bounding steps. He soared over the monsters and stabbed his gladius upward. A lightning bolt dropped onto the metal and he fired it into the mob below him.

Hazel spread her hands in front of her, as did Nico. The half siblings' actions drew two very different things from the ground.

Pieces of metal and precious gems exploded from the ground to the left of the duo, and skeletons clawed their ways out on the other side.

Ginny, Luna and Hermione mirrored their attacks, working as a single unit as they reached the front line of monsters. They fought their way in and then stood in a triangle formation, slashing left and right.

Annabeth and Malcolm were also working together flawlessly, as a brother and sister should.

Neville, Calypso and Katie, while they had their weapons at the ready, were using their powers only for the moment. Plants tangled monster legs together, the nearby trees slashed at the army with their branches.

"It's like twenty Whomping willows all at once!" Ron whispered, awestruck.

Will was doing his work as well. He fought like a surgeon, assessing each monster before taking it down with a single cut and continuing on. He was on a mission to find his sister.

The crack of Draco's whip sounded over the chaos of the battle. He wielded the unconventional weapon with ease, knowing just how to work it.

Leo ran rampant through the sea of monsters, his entire body aflame as he cackled and swung his war hammers. Piper moved alongside him, far enough that she wouldn't get burned but close enough to watch his back. She barked orders, forcing the creatures around her to turn on each other with her charmspeak.

But none of them compared to Percy.

He was a whirlwind of death as he slashed through the monsters, barely breaking a sweat. Water began to stream from the lake, shooting towards him and impaling any monster in the way. When each strand of liquid reached the son of Poseidon, it added itself to the small hurricane that was slowly but surely forming around him.

The wizards watched in awe as their friends and the exchange students worked methodically through the army. Silver arrows flashed from all angles and puffs of gold dust flew into the air constantly.

Then a scream rang over the battlefield.

[A/N The fight has begun!]

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