Just Us

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Thalia POV

The next morning the visitors had to leave. Draco and Martha talked quietly off to the side as we said goodbye to the rest. Emmy tearfully hugged her half sisters, having grown close to them in the few days they were here.

Percy and Annabeth kept their hands entwined or their arms around each other for almost the whole time. I could tell they didn't want to let go at all, but hugging someone while holding someone else's hand is pretty hard to do.

The Weasley boy came and awkwardly said goodbye, apologizing to each demigod for his actions, even though he'd hardly done anything while they were there. I wasn't sure I felt like forgiving him, but Percy and Annabeth were considering it.

Soon a bright light began to shine and we shielded our eyes.

"I'm glad you're safe, Annabeth." A rather sharp voice said, sounding like it was more used to shouting battle orders.

"Mom!" Annabeth and Hermione exclaimed, engulfing Athena in a hug.

The goddess hugged them back, a faint smile tugging at her lips, then stepped back. She inspected both girls' faces. "Are you both okay?"

"I got a little beat up, but I've survived worse." Annabeth said with a smile.

"I'm fine." Hermione promised her mother.

"Good. Keep your heads high girls."

"We will."

"Those of you leaving, come close to me and grab on." Athena stepped back a few more feet and held out her hands.

Martha leaned in and kissed Draco softly on the cheek, earning a surprised look and a bright red blush from the son of Nemesis, then walked over to Athena.

"The rest of you come here, quickly, I've other things to attend to." The goddess of Wisdom said curtly.

They did so and we closed our eyes as the bright silvery grey light appeared again. The group disappeared with a small whooshing sound that could be identified as an owl's wingbeat.

"Now what?" Grover asked.

"Now I give you a tour." Percy said. Annabeth stuck with him as they started towards the castle.

"Feeling a little warm, Drake?" I teased. He had been a close friend of mine before I joined the Hunt, just as he had been close to Annabeth.

"Shut up." He rubbed his cheek, still blushing.

"What do we do now?" Frank asked. "We don't have class."

"Well the original trio is gone, so I guess we can do whatever." I shrugged.

"The original trio?" Hazel asked.

"Yeah. You know how quests always have three people?"


"Grover, Percy and Annabeth went on their first quest together when Percy and Annabeth were twelve. A lot of the older kids at camp started to call them that because it fit well."

"Makes sense." Piper nodded.

"Hey, guys?" 

I had forgotten Weasley was still here.

"What?" I asked him coldly. He flinched away, but stood his ground, which was sort of impressive.

"I wanted to ask if one of you would work one on one with me. So I can get better at fighting."

We looked at Hermione, who glared back at us.


"Hermione, you know him best." Luna pointed out.


"So why can't you teach him how to fight with your weapon?" Jason asked.

"He's strong enough to fight with a sword, I'm not teaching him how to wield a knife." She said with finality.

Jason sighed. "Alright, I'll do it. Does it have to be right now?"

"No, it doesn't. Maybe after school every other day?" Ron asked.

"I can handle that. Don't expect me to go easy on you though. This is going to be Roman style training."

"You're skilled enough to teach him Greek as well though." I pointed out.

"I didn't say I wasn't teaching him Greek style. I'll teach him a mixture, I'm just saying it's going to be hard."

Ronald looked a little pale at the prospect of being pushed to exhaustion, but he didn't say anything. I noted that he seemed determined to try this, maybe as a way to make up for what he had done with Potter.

"Well I don't know what you guys are going to do until the trio comes back," Nico spoke, making several of us flinch. We'd forgotten he was even there, he could be so quiet sometimes. "But I'm going to go talk with Lily and James for a while, then I'm going to take a nap."

"Have fun, Nico." Hazel smiled at him. There was something in her eyes, a question of some sort, but I didn't know what it was.

Nico nodded to her, answering the unspoken question, and walked back to the castle.

"Is he okay?" Jason asked. "He looks kind of worn out."

"There's a lot going on." Hazel shrugged, putting on a guise of not knowing. "I'm sure he'll come to me if he's not okay."

I narrowed my eyes at her, but didn't ask what she was hiding. It would come out sooner or later.

[A/N 60 chapters, guys! And I'm not even close to being done yet!

I didn't think I'd done a Thalia POV so I tried my hand at it, did I write her well?]

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