The Dance

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Third Person POV

When Draco reached the Ravenclaw dorm room and got let in, the other daughters of Apollo made him wait in the common room.

Neville came by and picked up Luna, kissing her and telling her how gorgeous she was, and Emmy came down the stairs and heading out, a look on her face that said she was on a mission.

Finally Lauren and Mitch came down the stairs, but still no Martha.

"Presenting the gorgeousness that is our sister, Martha Jean!" Mitch flourished her arms towards the stairs and Lauren followed suit, giggling.

Draco started to tell them off, then stopped when Martha came into view.

Her hair had been braided into the smallest braids he'd ever seen, and her dark eyes were glittering in the light cast from the common room fire. Her skin contrasted the light yellow dress perfectly, and the gold sun necklace around her neck sparkled.

"He's speechless!" Lauren whispered to Mitch with a laugh.

"Yes he is, now let's go!" The older but shorter daughter of Apollo dragged her half sister out of the room, leaving Draco and Martha alone.

"You look amazing." Draco finally found his voice. "Like, super amazing."

"Thanks, Drake." Martha smiled at him.

Draco offered his arm to her and led her to the Great Hall, having to repeatedly remind himself to watch where he was going so he wouldn't fall over.

Percy and Annabeth saw the two of them walking down the stairs. They could hear Travis and Conner snickering when Draco nearly went headfirst down the stairs because he was too busy staring at his date.

"Conner!" Percy whispered, beckoning the younger son of Hermes over.

"What's up?" The curly haired boy jogged over.

"10 drachmas says they kiss by the end of the night. You two up for it?"

"We talking 10 drachmas each from us if we lose?"

"Yes, and if I lose I pay you 20 total." Percy held out his hand for Conner to shake.

"Deal." The other boy shook then moved over to tell Travis and they scampered off into the dance.

"Demigods, we usually have a first dance that is lead by specific people, would you like to do the honors?" McGonagall asked.

Percy looked at the other couples, who were all looking to him and Annabeth for an answer.

"We would be honored. How would you like us to do this?"

"Well the students are inside already, those of you who don't have dates may go in as well."

Clarisse and Thalia walked off, followed by Hermione, Ginny, Lauren, Mitch, Reyna, Leila, Emmy and Nico.

"The rest of you, line up in your couples, men on the left and women on the right, men with your hand under the woman's like so-" She quickly showed them, using Annabeth as an example. "You all know how to dance?"

"To some extent."


"Don't worry, I'll help him."


"We'll manage."

She nodded. "Eventually others will join, then feel free to do as you please once the first dance ends. Wait for the announcement of yourselves, then enter. The doors will open on their own."

With that, McGonagall walked away, leaving the couples to line up.

"Percy and Annabeth should go in the front." Was the first thing Leo said.

Percy rolled his eyes and moved forward, taking Annabeth's hand like the headmistress had explained.

"You ready for this? It's the second formal dance we've been to." He said quietly.

"The first one doesn't count, we weren't there to enjoy it." Annabeth replied with a smile.

"But we were still there."

"Somehow I have a feeling that this will be a little different."

They heard the announcement and the doors began to open.

Percy strode forward confidently, his path straight for the dance floor unhindered.

The couples lined up, Hazel whispering some pointers to Frank. The same happened with Martha and Draco, only Draco explained what was happening, as the daughter of Apollo tended to stick to the archery range and the infirmary like glue.

The music began and the pairs quickly fell into the rhythm of it, smiling at each other as they danced along to a tune they didn't recognize.

"I didn't think you could dance, Seaweed Brain."

"I'm full of surprises, Wise Girl." He smiled back at her and she giggled a little. "Let's enjoy this night."

And they did. The two never separated, though many students attempted to take the partner of their choice. At one point, Percy saw Emmy and Nico dancing together, discussing something. He knew Nico wasn't the type to lead a girl on and wondered what they were talking about.

About 20 minutes after his sighting of the unlikely couple, Travis and Conner walked over, irritated looks on their faces as they each slapped 10 drachmas into his waiting palm. "Pleasure doing business with you, boys." Percy saluted them. As they walked away, he caught sight of Draco and Martha, pulling away from a light, sweet kiss. Martha was grinning from ear to ear, and Draco looked like he was on cloud nine.

"We should do this more often." Annabeth commented halfway through a slower dance, her head on his chest.

"That we should." Percy smiled, kissing the top of her head.

"I'll be right back, okay?" Annabeth pulled away from him. "Gotta go use the bathroom."

"Don't be Cinderella!" Percy kissed her. "Because I will put Charming's searching to shame."

"You got it." Annabeth laughed and weaved through the dancing teenagers, heading for the entrance to the Great Hall.

The Entrance Hall was empty except for a few couples kissing in darkened corners. Annabeth ignored them and continued on towards the bathroom.

She heard footsteps behind her and turned, squinting in the light of the dark corridor to see who was there.

The only thing she saw was a silhouette before a voice whispered, "Stupefy," and her world flashed red, then black.

[A/N I'm EXTREMELY sorry this took so long. Exams suck. Plus, I'm one of the laziest, least-motivated person in the world]

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