Chapter One

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The time change is something that is going to have to take some getting used to. Five hours ahead of my normal time zone is a big difference and right now it's three in the morning and I am wide awake. I look over at Charlotte who is clutching her pillow as light snores fall from her mouth. 

Deciding sleep isn't happening tonight, I sit up and swing my legs over the side of the twin bed. My feet hit the carpeted floor lightly and I walk in the dark to our closet. It's fairly large for being in a dorm room, so Charlotte and I split the space. I pull out a pair of slippers from the shoe rack and quietly pull a sweater off the hanger. Another difference from America; the weather. It's mid September and sixty degrees.

I grab my phone off my bed and take one last look at the sleeping girl before leaving the dorm. The halls are quiet, besides one room; I can hear a girl crying to her mother on the phone that she wants to come home. Speaking of that...

My fingers dial my mom's number and I press the phone to my ear just as I step out into the cool London air. The wind blows, causing my long hair to hit my face and wrap around my neck.

The ringing continues and just as the last one is heard, my mother's voice speaks into the receiver, "Addie," I picture her smiling with a book on her lap as she sits crossed legged.

"Hi mom," I speak quietly, afraid to wake someone.

Rustling is heard in the background and I can hear loud footsteps, meaning my dad is close. My thoughts are answered when his deep voice says hello.

"How are you?" My mother asks as I walk down the cream colored cement sidewalk. "I'm well, but I can't sleep." I whine and I can hear her slightly gasp from the other side, "don't you start classes tomorrow? You need to be well rested." I roll my eyes and laugh, "I'll be fine, mom." She sighs and tells me she misses me, making me smile; I miss them more than anything.

As I continue to walk, I notice I am on the other side of campus. This side consists of the boys dorms along with a few arts buildings. The lights in the buildings are on, which help light the pathway.

I sit down on a bench and cross my legs as I talk to my parents. They inform me on work, and tell me that my grandparents are coming to visit them; I hum in reply. I tell them about Charlotte and describe my dorm the best I could while promising to send pictures of everything.

While we talk, I notice the door of the boys dorm open. I squint and see a tall figure walk out fairly quickly. He looks both ways before turning left and breaking into a run. I bring my lip between my bottom teeth, confused on why someone would go on a run around campus at three a.m. 

"I'm going to go to bed, I have an early day tomorrow." I tell both my mom and dad, bidding each other goodbye along with 'I love you'. That's a tradition in our family, we never hang up the phone without saying those words.

I leave the bench quickly and follow in the direction of the boy; damn my curiosity. The lights of the building slowly fade out, leaving me in the darkness. My eyes adjust to the light which leads me to two paths going in the opposite direction. I look back and forth, only to be met with the sound of bugs chirping. The adrenaline rush I had over finding the mysterious boy diminishes and I let out a sigh as I walk back toward my dorm. 


I turn around, slightly startled to see a silhouette on the grass. I remain still until I hear them groan in pain. Without thinking, I slowly make my way toward the person. What are you thinking Adelina? He could be a molester for all you know. My conscious scolds me yet I shake the thoughts away as I stand over him. In the dim light I can see him holding his foot as he lets out more noises of pain. 

"Are you alright?" I ask with raised eyebrows and he lets out a huff. It's hard to make out his features with little light but his body is clad in shorts and a sweatshirt while one running shoe is still on his foot, the other next to him on the grass.

"I've seemed to have twisted my ankle." His voice is deep and slow with a thick accent, making me want to ask him more questions just so I can hear him talk again. 

"What are you doing out here in the dark anyway?" I ask, causing him to let out a light laugh, "I could ask you the same thing." I don't have to see him to know there is a smirk on his face, his tone gave it away.

"I was talking to my parents, actually." I reply with as much attitude as I can, yet I fail miserably, causing him to laugh harder. I cross my arms and roll my eyes, "what?" I whine, sticking my bottom lip out. 

His laughter dies down, ending with a sigh. "Let me guess, couldn't sleep?" He asks with more sincerity this time and I nod, running a hand through my tangles hair, "yeah, it's my first day in a new country and with classes starting tomorrow, my mind is racing." I ramble, unsure of why I am telling this to the stranger on the ground in front of me. 

"Help me up and I'll let you in on a little secret," His voice is soft, contrasting the controlling statement. I stick my hand out and he reaches to grab mine. His hands are cold and a tad bit clammy, but huge compared to my own. 

He winces when he stands and I look up at him, yet he is now towering over me; He must be at least 6'2. I wipe the sweat from my hands on my shirt and make a mental reminder to wash my hands as soon as I get back to my dorm. 

"Hot tea with a spot of honey does the trick, whenever I'm on tour I use it and I'm out like a light." He explains to me and I nod, thinking of how nice that sounds right about now. His long arm wraps around my waist for support as we walk toward the boys dorm. My mind travels back to his words, what does he mean by tour?

Feeling the need to learn more about this boy, I let my thoughts fun free. "What kind of tour?" I ask as we slowly walk up the steps. I hear him suck in a breath through clenched teeth as he puts weight on his foot. "You may want to get it checked out if it hurts that bad." I tell him and he sighs, "I'll be fine, and to answer your question, mainly world tours, since I'm gone longer." He tells me as if I'm familiar with it. Oh yeah, I know exactly what you're talking about. Who is this guy? Is he playing a joke on me?

We reach the dorm and I open the door, allowing him to step inside. The light of the hallway swarms us and I look up, seeing him clearly for the first time, and that's when I realize he is most certainly not joking.

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