Chapter two - Jasmin

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Time: 9:30 AM
Date: 10/17/20
Location: Los Angeles
"No no no no!" I think to myself, desperately holding back tears from flooding my vision. My dad, my most favorite person in the world, is one of them.
  Then a terrible thought hits me: Where is Jess? Is she one of them too? How did they get to her and not to me? What if she's not dead... what if she's cowering just like me?
All of these thoughts rush through my head in an instant, gripping onto my conscious. I look around to find something that'll distract my parents, but all I find is a teddy bear with a heart sewed on to it's chest, a big red "Press Me!" stiched into the heart.
Please god let this work.
I press the button, and instantly the golden brown teddy bear starts to chant: "I love you, let's be friends! I love you, let's be friends!"
Without hesitating, I throw the bear to the window and wait for them to inspect it so I can make a mad dash to my sister's room.
Instantly, my mother let's out a piercing screech, jumping onto the teddy bear and ripping it to shreds. My dad lets out his own deeper, raspy howl before running over to tear up the wires and cotton that makes up the innards of the once-was teddy bear.
This is my chance.
Without making any noise, I slip out from under my bed and rise oh so slowly, terrified of them turning around and tearing me apart.
Five steps away. Four steps... three...two...
The color drains from my face as I look down to see a piece of my door snapped in half from my foot. My zombie parents stop and slowly turn around, making direct eye contact with me. Pissing myself, I turn around and run as fast as my school track star legs can take me.
Taking my stairs three at a time, I rocket into the kitchen and grab the biggest knife I can find before vaulting back to the living room and into the hall leading to my front door. I dare to look behind me and see both of my parents tumbling down the stairs, desperate to satisfy their endless hunger for flesh.
I stumble a bit, but manage to open the door when my dad jumps and wraps his hands around my left leg, coming dangerously close to biting me. I kick him in the forehead, which causes the flesh to peel back and reveal his skull. Trying not to throw up, I bend over and slice at his arm with my knife. He screams and gives a bit of leeway for just a second, but it's all I need to yank out of his grip and out the front door, slamming it behind me. The screams and howls instantly muffle from inside, and I breath an internal sigh of relief.
Damn zombies.
Running out onto my patio, my screams of help are completely overtaken by the deafening roar of a Virgin America plane spinning out of control, both of its engines on fire. The piercing sound of the engines failing make me cover my ears, until it finally plummets to its doom. The explosion knocks me off balance and I fall into the ground.
Holy shit that was close!
In fact, I'm pretty sure the plane exploded in the area where my highschool is located in. I never liked school anyways.
My throat soar from the constant screaming, I get up and brush my self off.
  I look around and see my friend Elena running furiously, a huge gash covering her right cheek. Her long, blonde hair is matted with what looks to be like mud and grass, and her sleeves are covered in green stains
  "Elena! Help me!" I scream desperately, beginning to run towards her. She takes one glance at me and yells for me to stay back.
   That's when I see them. Her twenty-six year old brother and her mother, just as horrific as my parents, turn the corner and chase her out onto the street. Her mother, Allison, has an oddly bent left leg, causing her to limp-run. Her older brother, Zeph, has a knife in his chest and is catching up to Elena.
   Before I can do anything, Zeph jumps onto Elena and takes her down onto the asphalt instantly. She screams and screams, making eye contact with me for a split second before her face is ripped off with Zeph's bloody, bent hands tearing deep into her flesh. He digs his mouth into her cheek and rips out a part of her muscle.
   Holding back from vomiting, I slowly take steps back until I'm out of view of the horrific sight of my friend being ripped apart.
   "This can't be happening... This can't seriously be happening.." I whisper to myself.

   Five minutes later, I finally rise from my sitting position, wiping the tears from my face and onto my sleeves. I take the kitchen knife and peer around the corner. The body of Elena is almost unrecognizable besides the black and white Converse, completely covered in blood, sitting on top of her mangled left leg. Both her mother and brother left the cannibalized body out on the street, probably coming back for more later. Foot steps in the puddle of her blood indicate that they went west, towards the city.
   A shine from a second story window across the street attracts my attention. I turn to see the window open, with a boy indicating for me to come over. I slowly walk up to my porch, look left and right, and make a mad sprint for his door. Luckily, nothing saw me. I wait for the boy to open the door, but when he does I take a step back.

  "Winston, is that you?"

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