Chapter Four - Felix

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Time: 6:30 AM
Date: 10/18/20
Location: Los Angeles

"Astro, get up! Astro, come on dude, wake up!" I yell at my unconscious friend, shaking his limp body furiously. Astro's eyes slowly open as he begins to wake up from a serious wound on his head.
  "Astro, buddy, we need to go! Now!" I yell again, pushing for him to stand up.
  "Feeleh... eh tha....?" Astro slurs unintelligibly.
  "What the hell are you trying to say? Can you stand?"
  Astro looks around and tries to get up but screams in pain from the gushing head wound and the white hot needles coming from his left leg. He looks down and sees that the leg has bent into a seriously off angle.
  "No... Ih hurts.." He cries out between sniffles.
  "Come on Astro, I'll help you up. Ready?" I wait a couple seconds for Astro to nod. "Ok, one.. Two... Three!"

The scream of Astro caught the attention of almost every infected adult within a good half a mile. Unknowingly, Felix has just sealed the fate of both of them.

  "That's it, Astro, you got it." I encourage my broken friend as we slowly walk toward an abandoned two story house. With one arm wrapped around Astro's backside, and the other wielding a kitchen knife, I kick open the door of the house and set Astro down onto an expensive looking black leather couch. Looking around, I turn on the lights and close the curtains before finally sitting down next to him.
  "It's all right, Astro. You'll be alright."

What Felix didn't know was that there were dozens of infected adults slowly making their way towards their location, sniffing the air for guidance. Smelling, stumbling, smelling some more, grunting, smelling...

"Come on Astro, you gotta stop dozing out dude, I need you more than ever," I plead as I start to lamely shake his arm.
"Sleep... I just... sleep.." Astro mumbles almost inaudibly.
I sigh and realize that in his current shape, Astro won't be able to out run those maniacs and I simply cannot carry him.
"Alright then. I'll keep watch. Just don't die on me, yeah?"
Astro gives me  a small smile before closing his eyes, instantly falling into a deep sleep.
I lay there for a bit staring at the grass green wall paper. What just happened? Why are the adults turning into zombies? What's causing all this shit? Why hasn't the military or someone come to save us already?
I look over to Astro, still in a deep sleep, and see that the head wound, although covered with a small amount of gauze, is still bleeding pretty badly. The broken leg wasn't broken, after all. It looked perfectly fine, maybe just sprained. Thank god for that; Astro wouldn't survive a second with that leg out there.
Getting up to search the house for medical supplies, I Notice a small box of pistol bullets lying half opened on the kitchen counter, most of the bullets being spilled on the floor. Behind the kitchen island I find the pistol, a Glock-18, and silently celebrates his epic find.
Dumping the bullets into his hoodie pocket, he picks up the gun and inspects it. The magazine inside it is already fully loaded. Good.
I search through the entire kitchen, finding nothing as good as the pistol find, and start to move to the basement door. There's a lock on the door which means there has to be a key somewhere. Saving the basement for last, I begin to climb the steps that lead to the second story. Half way up he notices a small in cave on one of the stairs, which makes him stop and stare. He sees a hairline split on all of the sides of the stair top. He searches for an opening and instead finds a latch on the underside of the stair. Un hinging it, he grabs the stair top and slowly opens it. He cries out in joy as he pulls out an assault rifle with five fully loaded clips, three canteens, a machete, and two pairs of binoculars. Tears stream down his cheeks as he thanks god for giving him such an amazing amount of luck.

But Felix was too caught up in the moment to see two figures cross the window on the other side of the stair case leading to the back entrance, which is mainly a huge glass wall and glass sliding doors. Three more go on the right side of the house as ten go on the left side, all of them conjugating in the backside of the house. From there, they begin sniffing again, determining for sure that their next meal is in there, safe and secure... for now.

I grab the assault rifle, three clips, and a canteen and start skipping towards the front tv room where Astro lay on the couch.
"Astro, dude, wake up! Look what I found! My fuckin' god dude, we're set! Unstoppable!" I announce in a sing song voice.
"Yes, an m16 by the looks of it. Plenty of water. Plenty plenty plenty! Oh, and, like, ten magazines for the assault rifle! Oh it's amazing!" I reply.
My celebration is short lived, however, because  all at once the entire glass wall shatters as a good twenty to twenty five zombies come moaning and groaning into the room and spread out across the house.
"Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!" Felix yells as he pulls Astro and himself behind the couch and push them both under it, covering themselves with the blankets wrapped around Astro. Hopefully God isn't playing a cruel joke and both of them will make it out alive...


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