Chapter Fifteen

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"If you can get up after what happened yesterday, then you're the strongest person I know. Not that you already weren't," Kendall said on the other line.

I held my phone pressed to my ear as I looked through my luggage for something to wear. "I guess. It's just, Harry and I had a huge fight last night about it. And I don't know, I'm just a little on edge."

"Where is he anyway?"

"He's in the shower," I said as I picked out a pair of jeans and a plain white t shirt. I rolled my eyes at my choice as I shut my luggage.

Kendall sipped a drink. "I think you two will be okay. You've been through so much together. Harry's not that stupid. He knows that he's wrong. He just too stubborn to admit it."

I nodded even though she couldn't see me. "You're right. Maybe I should just give us some time."

"Diana, are you listening to yourself? That's what people say when they're unhappy in their relationship - people that expect a breakup."

"Well, can you blame me? I mean, of course I'm happy with Harry. I'm so happy... but you know as much as I do that Harry's not in this for marriage or for children or for a future."

For a while, Kendall didn't speak. But when she did, she seemed shocked. "Did he tell you that?"

I laughed a little, but I didn't think anything was funny. "Have you met the guy? Never been in a relationship until now, and you honestly think it's for any other reason than not wanting commitment."

"You know, that's your problem, and I'm saying this because I love you; your problem is that you don't know what to take into consideration. Have you even thought about the fact that he's not who he was however many months go? Or how about the fact that he's never even known the feeling of love, let alone speak the words 'I love you' until you came into his life. Diana, I have no idea if you know how he was feeling when you stopped speaking-"

"He had no idea what I was feeling!" I cut her off, feeling the white noise type of burning raise in my heart once again. I put my clothes down on the bed and sat down.

She sighed. "Why are you so fucking mad at him? Why are you so against forgiving him, or even just letting this go. You're so damn focused on everything bad that's happened between you guys that you've completely forgotten everything you both have fought for. Please tell me this is some sort of sick joke, because God, Diana, I had no idea you were this fucking stupid. I love you, but you have to think straight."

At this point, I didn't want to hear anymore, and so thank God Harry came in, towel around his waist. "I have to go," I said lowly.

"You can't just run away every-"

"Harry's here," I said, and I didn't wait for a response. Instead I hung up and put down my phone. I looked at Harry, watching as he went about his morning routine.

"Who was that?" he asked.

I looked at my phone then back at him. "Oh, that was just Kendall."

"Trying to talk to you about how much of an asshole I am? Let me guess, something along the lines of me being stupid? Or how I take you for granted?" He asked, pulling his white t shirt over his head. He was smiling, but I didn't think he was joking. Then again, you never know with Harry.

I furrowed my eyebrows, confused. "No... the complete opposite actually." We looked at each other, waiting for the other to speak, so I just took it upon myself. "Listen, about last night..."

"Yeah, I wanted to talk to you about that too," he said.

"I'm really sorry for everything that was said and done. I completely overreacted about Lacey. I know you're not the same person that you were before. I know that, and if anyone should be apologizing, it should be me. I'm just really sensitive sometimes, and I take things the wrong way."

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