Chapter 2

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"MIKKY!" My mum yelled from downstairs waking me up from my glorious sleep.

I groan, turning around and hopping out of bed. I walk downstairs for breakfast which smells abolutely amazing, mmm egg and bacon toasties.

"How did you sleep, sweetie?" My mum asks.

"Eh" I reply still to tired to speak proper words.

"Okay, well I have to go to work because I have a meeting today but I have something I want to talk to you about once I get home tonight" Mum tells me.

"mmhmmm" I murmur, she blows me a kiss and I hear the rustling of her keys and then the door opening and closing.

I finish off my breakfast and head upstairs to get ready. I put on my uniform and then sit on the floor in front of my mirror to put on my makeup, I just put some foundation, powder, mascara and I also fill in my eyebrows . I got up and took my hair out of the messy bun leaving my hair all matted so I brush it out and quickly go over it with a straightener. Once I was ready I grabbed my house keys and started my walk to school.

I got to school and got all my books for first and second period remembering I have Music and Art, which are my favourites.

I walk through the corridors getting quite a few stares from some of the guys. I wouldn't say I was a slut but my dress was quite short and I would be lying if I said I wasn't attractive in the slightest.
I have basically all my friends in Art and Music and that's basically the reason I enjoy it so much.
Once I get to my class I walk up to Nat, Laura and Skye.

"What's up, bitches?" I say.

They all laugh, including myself.

"Nothing really, where were you at lunch yesterday? You never came to the deck" Nat wondered.

"Oh, I'm so sorry I forgot to let you guys know that I was with Michael" I apologise.

"It's fine, I guess" Skye says, and walks off with Nat and Laura following after.

"Um, okay then.." I say to myself confused.

That was weird, they can't possibly be mad at me for not hanging out with them yesterday, Its not my fault that I have other friends apart from them. 

"You've been ditched?" Someone said followed by a laugh.

I turned around and saw Michael standing behind me.

"Yeah, maybe" I laugh.

"What happened?" he asks.

"Well.." I start until the teacher comes and tells us to come in.

I walk in and sit down at a random table. Skye, Nat and Laura walk right past me and sit on the otherside but Michael sits directly in front of me with Calum and Luke next to him.
With it being the first class since holidays the teacher goes on about all different types of music and everything that we've already learn't. I look around the class to see most people dozing off or staring at nothing. When I look forward the three guys are whispering to eachother about something until Calum puts his hand up to stop the teacher speaking.

"Um Sir, we were just wondering if we could perform something" Calum asks.

A confused look takes over my face and same with a few of the other people in class.

"Oh yes, that would be fantastic. It's not everyday we get people ask to do this" The teacher beams.

The 3 of them hop out of their seats and Calum goes to grab a quitar, Michael gets a shaker thingy and Luke doesn't have anything, I look at Michael and he smiles back at me and gives me a thumbs up.

"What is all this?" I say under my breath so no one can hear it but me.

Once they are were all prepared they I hear Calum tapping his foot to count them in and Luke starts singing. They are singing that song by Chris Brown and Justin Bieber 'Next To You" I think its called.

♪ I pray to God everyday, that you keep that smile ♪

Then it moves on to Calum.

♪ There's not a thing I won't do. I'd give my life up for you, 'Cause you are my dream ♪

I had no idea that they sang, they are actually pretty good and I think I remember Michael telling me about it once but I thought he was just joking. Looking at the three of them and they all look so nervous, everyones eyes on them and most likely judging them. 
They definetly aren't mind blowingly good at this point but the more I look at them, I can really see it in them and they have star quality.

Once I hear Mikey's voice, my thoughts stop and i'm all ears. He looks so doubtful on his singing and I smile at how great he did even though he probably thinks he didn't do the best he could.
As they keep singing and playing I start bobbing my head and when Michael looks over at me I give him a big smile and he returns it the best he can whilst singing.

At the end of the song I clap and cheer loudly, and everyone who was just clapping softly join in.

"Hey guys" I lean over and get their attention.

They all turn around in unison.

"You did such a good job" I praise them.

The three of them smile and 'Thanks' and 'Thankyou' me and then I lean back to sit normally again.
Within minutes the bell rings and everyone goes to next period.

The day has gone so fast and before I know it, it's lunch.
The girls have been ignoring me all day so I just went straight to where Michael is. 


He turns his head almost instantly and walks towards me, giving me a hug.

"Don't ask why but I was thinking about you three" I wave my hand around in a circle identifying that I was talking about him, Calum and Luke "and I was just thinking that maybe you should upload some of your covers onto Youtube or something" I suggest.

"Well Luke has an account which is Hemmo1996" I begin to laugh "and he's only got videos of him doing covers on his own and we haven't filmed any of us all together" he explains.

"Well please, please, please do film some and put them on there" I beg.

"I'll talk to the guys about it" he assures me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2015 ⏰

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