4 Days

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When I woke up I couldn't really see anything cause my face was in Matt's chest,I looked up and seen he was still asleep so I returned to how I woke up.I started thinking about last night,so are we like a thing now,did George and Charlie bet on us still being up or us being together...ugh to many thoughts.I looked back up at Matt,I carefully moved some of his curls out of his face so I could see it better.

"You look so cute while your asleep." I whispered to myself.

"Really,you think I'm cute?" Matt asked in a sleepy voice,which made his natural deep voice even deeper.

"I was kinda saying it to myself but yes." I said smiling at him.

"Most guys don't like being called cute." He said propping himself up on his elbow.

"So for one like I said I was saying it to myself and two your not like most guys."

"How am I not like most guys?"

"I don't know,your just not." I said looking into his blue eyes.

"Where were we last night?" He asked after a moment of quietness.


"Before everyone came back." He said leaning in.

"Hhmmm.I don't remember." I said moving back.

"Really?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yup." I said smiling.

"Your being a tease." He said pulling me back to him,I just shrugged.

"But I believe your tongue was in my mouth."

"Then let's just start at the beginning again." He said,his lips slowly touched mine.The kiss was slowly and sweet but it soon became....heated.This time other then him licking my bottom lip,I licked his.I felt him smirk into the kiss.As he opened his mouth I opened mine.His tongue entered my mouth and touched my tongue,it was such a light touch.He pulled his tongue back some,and if it has mind of it's own,my tongue followed not wanting to lose the contact.My mind slowly started fading and in good way,the kiss felt so great that I just couldn't and didn't want to think about anything else but it.

We pulled apart so we could catch our breath and as we did that we heard Vanessa and then Jorel shhing her.Me and Matt had to keep from laughing,that was till we heard Dylan.

"Really Jay?" Dylan asked.

"Oh shut up,your above us not under." Jorel shot back. I had to put my hand over my mouth to keep from laughing out loud,which I guess was failing cause Matt put his hand over my mouth and going shh.

"What time is it?" I asked,after I was able to stop laughing.He pulled out his phone.

"About 10 a.m."

"We should get up." I said stretching.

"Or we could do like Jay and Vanessa."

"No!" I said staring at him.I saw his face go from confused to totally understanding to I'm guessing embarrassed.But what did he have to be in embarrassed of,in less I was reading the look wrong.Before I could ask he opened the curtain and got out.I stayed laying there,staring at him.

"You coming." He asked.

"Yeah." I said moving to the edge and getting out.As entered the front of the bus we seen Asia,Ava,Scarlett,Reese and Danny were already up.Ava and Scarlett were in the floor playing while Danny watched them,Reese and Asia were also watching them and talking,click(the camera was right by me).

"Really this early?" Danny asked laughing.

"Why not,it's a cute photo." I said sitting down next to Danny,showing him the pic.

"How long have you guys been up?" Matt asked sitting next to me.

"About an hour." Reese said leaning against Danny,Danny put his arm around her and pulled her closer to him.Dylan came in an plopped down next to Matt.

"You okay?" I asked.

"No,I want to go back to sleep." He said putting his arm over his eyes.

"Then go back to sleep." Matt and Danny both said.

"I can't."

"Why?" I asked,kinda already knowing the answer.

"Cause every time I tried,I pictured Jay and Vanessa." All of us burst out laughing,even Dylan.

"What are you guys laughing about?" Jorel asked walking in,Charlie and George not far behind.Which just made us laugh more and Dylan shake his head.

"They might be laughing cause it's only past 10 and Dylan is actually up(Dylan gave him the finger) which is most likely cause you and Vanessa were getting it on and weren't quite about it." George said laughing.Jorel changed from one shade of red to the another and I couldn't stop myself and I guess neither could Reese and Asia.

"Other then fifty shades of grey it's fifty shades of red." All three of us said,making everyone laugh even more,even Jorel!

"I heard they're actually making a movie of that,fifty shades of grey not fifty shades of red." Asia said.

"Really?" Me and Reese both asked.

"Yup." Randi said yawning,sitting in Charlie's lap.

"When it comes out we'll have to go see it." Asia said.

"Yeah and maybe should drag the guys with." I said.

"Yes!" All the girls shouted,even Vanessa who was still in the bunk area.All of the guys gave us an evil look.

"Isn't that gonna be a chick flick?" Charlie asked.

"Maybe,maybe not." Randi said kissing Charlie.About a minute later Vanessa came in.

"Couldn't you guys have waited like 4 day." Dylan said.

"Why 4 days." I asked before Vanessa or Jorel could answer his question.

"Cause in 4 day we get a break and get to go home." Danny answered.

"Oh." I said looking at the floor.So where will I go?Will I go with Matt or one of the other guys.And as if reading my mind Vanessa spoke.

"You can stay with one us.You should stay with with me and Jorel.We can go shopping and watch movies and-"

"And listen to you guys have sex." Dylan interrupted,making Vanessa and Jorel both blush.

"She can stay with me." Matt said putting his arm over my shoulders.

"No my little cherry can stay with me." Dylan said.

"Cherry?" I asked leaning forward to look at him.

"Yeah,your my little cherry."

"But why cherry?On second thought don't answer that." I said leaning back,everyone started snickering.Well so much for none of them remembering my......lack of experience.

"She has 4 day to decide who to stay with,so let's let her be." Danny said.

"Yeah and plus no matter who you stay with all of us girls can get to together." Vanessa said.

(** Tell what you guys think,I love hearing from you.In fact seeing what guys have to say about is what helps me keep going.**)

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