Ch. 1 Camille

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Hey guys! So it's seriously hard for me

to edit and type this on my phone but I'm attempting to. Anyways, I wasn't sure where to put this, but this story is written by myself and my best friend/co-author. Check her out her user is still_alive. She's an incredible author (definitely better than me). I will be writing Ariel's story, and she will be writing Camille's. Although this isn't a first person Narrative, we did feel like we wanted the story told about both characters experiences. Theres a lot of missing when it comes to first person and we're hoping writing it third person about different characters will fill in some blanks. Besides, I don't think I've ever read a story with this format so we're definitely just trying something new. But of course it doesn't always work like we want it to, so tell us what you all think, we'd love some feedback! Thank you, peasants <3


A long time ago in a kingdom far far away there lived a beautiful princess. She had long dark hair and blue eyes that reflected the sea. With lips as red as berries and skin of ivory, her beauty was a legend among other kingdoms. The princess' name twas Camille and she lived in the lavish castle with her over abused maid Dani.

"My goodness Dani!" The princess shrieked. "What is this? Please go ahead and explain to me exactly what this is."

"This is a dress, princess." Dani replied, holding up a gown. "A very expensive one, I might add."

Camille rolled her eyes in exasperation. "I can see that. But would you also care to explain to me why this unfortunate piece of failed design fabric is offered for me to wear on an eventful day like this? Or better yet, explain to me what is it even doing in my closet?"

The maid sighed inwardly. "Princess, this dress was sent over by his majesty for you to wear to the ball."

"Tell me this now Dani. Do you want me to attend the ball dressed in this ridiculous attire so the people of the kingdom can make a laughingstock out of me?"

"That's not it, princess. I'll go find a different gown for you to wear."

Camille didn't say anything as she lay sprawled out on her queen sized bed and watched as Dani went back to the wardrobe. The princess was wearing a thin silk robe and fuzzy slippers. Today was unfortunately not a very good day for her.

"What did father say was this prince's name again?" she called to Dani, who was shifting through the wardrobe in hopes of finding a gown the princess hadn't worn yet, peeked out from the layers of colorful silk and velvet.

"Prince Nathan." the maid replied.

"Is he handsome?"

"Quite so, from what I heard."

Finally Dani found an acceptable gown and presented it to the princess. Camille sat up and looked at it, a frown on her face.

"I'll wear this one then," she said, "He's probably just like all the other princes so why bother looking my best for someone I wouldn't have any interest in anyway."

"Now you don't know that, princess." Dani piped up. "He might be the one."

"Shut up and help me put the gown on."

An hour later the ball began. The princess was announced as she came through the double doors and was welcomed with warm applause. She looked beautiful like she always did as she made her way through the ballroom, with Dani at her side. The music started and people broke off into pairs and started waltzing around. Camille just stood by the windows waiting for Prince Nathan to show up, introduce himself, and ask her for a dance. But she was already standing there for about thirty minutes and the prince was nowhere to be seen. Camille wondered what was taking him so long. Did he get lost somewhere on his way here?

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