Chapter 20

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"One day, you're so close I feel you in my bones; the next you're farther than the sun."

- Amanda Torroni

Aflame - Chapter 20

Becky had told me about Justin's behavior towards her today and it was awkward listening to what she has to say because I knew exactly why he was acting that way.

He was afraid of the truth.

Well, maybe this will setback the fear of ever getting to see them getting it on again.

I've texted Harry to come over to the party tonight, only if he doesn't have anything planned, of course.

It's been a few hours and he still hadn't replied.

It made me feel a bit sad because he still hasn't responded to my texts or calls.

But maybe he's busy.

That's what I keep telling myself to calm myself down.

I don't want to assume anything because assuming leads to arguments and I think that we have had enough of that already.

I am tired of fighting, I just want to hold him and have him here with me - in the flesh.

Before he leaves me.

"I've tried giving her something to drink - alcoholic drinks, but she just wouldn't take them. She says that she is supposedly not drinking tonight for some strange reason."

Justin is stood beside me as we look out at Becky who was currently talking to some girl of her class as the music blasted through the room.

"But it doesn't mean that she's pregnant because she doesn't want to drink tonight. I mean, I'm not drinking, would you assume that I'm pregnant?'


"Don't answer that."

No one knows that I am feeling a bit down tonight because I am worried about Harry and what's keeping him away, seeing that tonight is the last night I get to spend with him before he leaves tomorrow.

No one knows that my heart is breaking with every tick of the close leading closer up to that moment.

No one knows because I'm so damn good at hiding all that I feel inside. It's both a blessing and a curse.

"It couldn't be Holly because she has been drinking all night."

I look up at Justin as he has his eyes on Holly and I set my gaze onto her as well as I see her lifting the red foam cup to her lips before setting it down onto the table behind her. Leaving it there, forlon, as I make my way over.

"Hey, where are you going?"

Justin calls out for me, but I ignore him as I make sure that she isn't coming back and I examine her drink.

"It's not alcohol."

I look up at Justin as he gives me a baffled look at my words to the drink I am holding in my hand.

"Let me see that." He takes it out of my hand as he brings it up to his lips and gulps the remains of it. His bright eyes then grows bigger at the realization. "She's been drinking water all night."

"Well, now we're left with two possibilities." I bite my lip as I think on what to do to get down to the truth. "There's no other way, we're just going to have to ask them now."

"What? No, we can't just ask them-"

"Justin, do you want to know the truth or not?"

He lets out a breath as he groans before rolling his head back.

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