Chapter One : The Cab Driver

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"It's over Ashlyn, I'm leaving you." Jake said in a cold tone. As if he didn't care that he was twisting the knife that had been plunged into my heart years ago.

"Wh-what? Why?"

Tears stung as he walked away, ignoring my questions, but they never left my eyes. I haven't cried over a breakup since I broke up with Jeremiah for crying out loud!! Why does every guy I love leave me? They always do! Am I not good enough? That's got to be it. It's not like I do anything to them. They ask me for something, I get it for them. They tell me to buy something, I do. It's simple.

Ya I realise that it's not the best relationship, but what can I say? I'm in love with the idea of love. Ever since My first boyfriend dumped me years ago, I've been trying to find someone to love me like he did. I honestly don't know why he dumped me, I mean, we were so happy together. Then one day, he knocked on my door and told me he didn't love me anymore. I broke down in tears in the middle of my lawn, after chasing him and begging him to explain. I've never been quite the same since. On the oustide I seem fine, and I really am, until I'm alone.

Maybe I should just give up. It's not like anyones going to replace him. Nobodys going to love me, they don't even treat me good.

"You know what?!" I shouted to no one in particular. "I give up! I give up on love and I'm done trying to find someone who will love me back!"

I whipped out my cell phone and dialed in the number for the local cab agency. The voice on the other end blabbed on and on about how they were the highest rated cab drivers in the U.S. Like I care! I jut wanted to get out of here!

"Ya, ya whatever. Just get me a cab to 155 Bakers street please, I'm not in the mood to hear all about how you have 90% less accident rates alright?"

The person agreed and said they'd have a cab there in 20 minutes. Great, now what am I supposed to do? I sat down on a random bench on the side of the street outside Lee's Chinese Restaurant. I thought about my love life, and my family too. I thought about everything there was to think about. Well, you know what I mean. I could faintly hear the sound of the cities busy nightlife, but I was lost in my own little world. You know how sometimes you just space out? Ya that's whats happening to me right now.

"Ahem!" Someone clearing their throat loudly pulled me out of lala land with a jerk.

"CHICKEN BALLS ON A STICK!" I screamed before I had the chance to process what was happening. Oh. My. Gosh. I can't beleive I just said that!

"Ya those are pretty good," He said with a smile, " But I'm here to take you home m'lady."

Oh my gosh! He is so cute! He lookes so young for a cab driver though. I wonder how old he is. If he was my age.... no Ashlyn you can't think about that! You. Are. Done. With. Love. Get that through your thick skull!

"How old are you anyway?" I heard myself asking, " You look a little young to be a cab driver."

"I'm just filling in for my dad, he's sick and couldn't work the cab tonight so he asked me to." He said, one side of his mouth pulling up into a sort of smirk.

"Just take me home," I said as I slid into the back seat. Heat blasted against my face, and for a second I felt nauseous. " And turn down the flipping heat."

With that I slammed the door and attempted to buckle my seatbelt. The front door opened and shut softly, unlike when I closed the door. I watched his head of curly blonde hair bob to the beat of the song on the radio. It was only seconds before I reaised what it was, and I immediatly started freaking out.

"Oh gosh no! Come on you have to change this song! Please, I'll do any- actually no, scratch that, I'll give you $10 extra if you change the station."

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