Chapter Three

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~•Congratulations on 3 million subs Phil meh smol son•~

Phil's P.O.V

"Don't worry as long as I'm here they can't do anything to you." This phase made me feel confused. What did Dan mean?

Ever since I went to sleep this phrase kept pounding inside my head. D...did Dan mean protect me as his friend?

Or more than friends? What?! definitely meant as friends. And even if we were to date it would just make things weirder between us.

It wouldn't work out. Our friendship would just break apart if we dated.

How awkward would it be if we broke up...

Oh god no. Why am I even worrying about this? I should be more worried that we almost got robbed. And that Dan has been receiving weird phone calls lately.

Every time I see a horrified expression on Dan's while answering unknown calls I always tear up inside.

I want to just hug the poor man. I want to kiss him and let him know everything will be alright.

But...I can' would just make things awkward between us.

Ugh why can't you just know. Why do I have to hide my feelings for you.

I haven't even come out to Dan. Why is it so hard to just say what I feel?

Even more important...what would the fans think?

Would they still like me? Would they still accept the real me?

So many thoughts just race through my mind.

Finally realizing I was still in pajamas, I decide to get out of bed I guess I'll just have to wipe these thoughts away.

"Why hello princess was your sleep well tonight?", Dan said sarcastically.

"Yes, my sleep was amazing thanks for asking."

"So what's up today? It's 11:00am did you pass out?", Dan said only half joking.

Wait?11:00am?! Was I really that lost in thought that I just stayed for an hour thinking?

" I lost track of time..", Well hey it was merely the truth.

"Hmm...well I made breakfast. Oh and appreciate I didn't wake you up with a cold glass of water.", Dan said already regretting not waking me up with a cold splash of ice water.

I ate whilst having so many thoughts racing my mind. I swear I almost burst out crying. Then I remembered Dan was in the room so I had to stay strong.

I couldn't have him ask me questions. Although I guess I was being pretty obvious...

I could feel Dan's heavy brown eyes try meet my eyes.

But I couldn't make eye contact if I did I would lose it and burst out in tears.

"Um...uh...P..Phil...are you okay?" Dan asked with with full hesitation.

I finally made eye contact but I couldn't help it anymore. These emotions of mine were bottling up inside like a waterfall.

There was no use in resisting anymore...

Without thinking my eyes just burst out full of tears. An ocean that once formed in my eyes was now spilling filled with fear and hurt.

~ Sorry if I took long to update this book ~

I'm also working on another book named "The lost enchantress"

That's why I haven't had time to update this book.

Nonetheless if you liked this book vote, comment ,or share.

And feels free to check my other books.

☆See you in the next chapter☆

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