Chapter Six

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*May include 18+ content*
*You've been warned*

Dan's P.O.V.
Where am I? Why is everything so dark? And silent.

Footsteps interrupt the silence of the room. A few voices also add into the noise.

I hear someone clear their throat. They take the blindfold away from me and I find myself in a plain room.

The cement floor where I am currently sitting at feels like a sheet of ice. It made little chills go up my spine.

A raspy voice speaks in a sort of accomplished tone,
"Well. Look who's here. Dan Howell otherwise known as danisnotonfire. I bet you are wondering why or how your here. Or where your friend is."

"What did you do to him?", I said with my voice shaking with nervousness and anger.

"I have done nothing. But our leader has him captured somewhere you won't find him.", she said with a happy tone.

"And to think I trusted you with that address.", I said completely fooled.

"Believe me that address was correct but you are far from there now."

"Don't worry you're in good hands.", she said while smiling a devilish smile.

Her facial details seem innocent when in reality she is far from that. The complete opposite from that.

She has raven black shoulder length hair with paper white skin and cold blue eyes. Just like Phil. Only his eyes where a friendly welcoming blue while hers were a unfriendly; stone cold blue.

She was getting uncomfortably close to me. All I wanted to do was kick her. And I would've done so if it wasn't for the ropes in my arms and legs.

"Phil...where are you?", I quietly mumbled half asleep. "You feel so far away but you seem so close..."

"I'm not far away...I'm right here." I look up startled but it was just the girl.

She walks up to me. "Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I'm Philipa and I'm twenty-seven years of age.", she said nervously.

She talked for what seemed hours. But she seemed to not really have bad intentions. In fact she didn't really know why Phil and I had to be captured.

She untied the ropes off my arms and legs. She was really friendly after that...maybe too friendly.

She tried holding my hand on many occasions but I moved my hand away from there.

"So tell me something about yourself?",Philipa said staring at me.

"Well I'm twenty-four years old", I said awkwardly as to why she was being nice.

She looked at me weirdly but I tried avoiding her looks. Apparently that wasn't enough.

She was already getting closer and closer to me and pulling me down into the floor.

The cold cement hit my back like a brick. She was obviously up to no good.

She grabbed an old rag with chloroform but before she could intoxicate me I tried running out the door but as I ran out there were people ready to attack.

They grabbed me tightly. And I struggled to kick and punch but their grip would just tighten.

Philipa came close to me with ropes already in her hands. "Don't you dare escape, Daniel.", she said with an evil smirk.

She was uncomfortably close to me again but this time she planted a cold hard kiss on my lips.

"If I need to keep you here by all means I'll keep you here", she said coldly.

I felt a tear run through my cheek. Phil where are you?

Just remembering how angelic his face was with his snow pale skin and sky blue eyes made me breakdown in tears.

And knowing I might not see him again made matters worse. It felt like I was crying a river. Meanwhile Philipa she was enjoying the sight of my suffering.

"Do you enjoy seeing me suffer?", I told Philipa angrily.

"Yes! You're cute when you're angry.",she said with a smirk.

"You're cute when you're sad. But hot when you're angry.",Philipa said teasingly.

She was eyeing me up and down. It sort of scared me. Without my consent she put her hand on my bulge but instead of feeling good I felt terrified.

"Stop...please", I begged.

"Why? ",she teasingly replied.

"I'm... I'm taken!"

"Oh...who's the girl!",she said filled with rage.

"I can't tell you that.", I told her still trembling.

"Then you must be lying."

"I'm not. Please stop."

"Well who is she then?",Philipa screamed demandingly.

I felt trapped I only said that to stop her from touching me.

Philipa stood up and left the room I don't know if it was because of anger or embarrassment, but I'm glad she left.

Honestly I don't know why I said I was taken. I was thinking of Phil at the time but we're just friends.

Night had already fallen upon here. So now at six in the afternoon it seems like midnight.

Now the room was pitch black the only light that came from outside was from outside the door.

I tried jumping up in order to open the door. But it's so dark that I managed to get up but I quickly fell down into the freezing concrete floor.

I just layed on the floor planning on how to escape. Then something strikes my mind.

But just the thought of that made me cringe.

There's no other way. So I cleared up my throat and shouted out


She came into the room and brought a light with her.

I swallowed then spoke "Hey. You know we're probably the only one's here. Maybe you wanna get closer?", I said flirtatiously. "I realized one kiss won't harm my relationship."

"Daniel Howell your dorky ways don't know the art of flirting but I accept.", she said with a smile.

"Hey! With one condition.", I say already putting my plan at work.

"What?", she said a bit more enthusiastically.

"You have to untie me."

"Ugh fine.", she agreed untying me. As she was doing that I saw a pocket knife in her jeans pockets.

"So where were we?", Philipa says while throwing the ropes to the side.

I have no choice but to go for it. I grab her and spin her as if this was a dance ritual. Grabbing the knife of her pocket.

"Don't move!", I say demandingly.

Philipa's expression went from flirtatious to horrified in a second.

"What are you planning to do with that?", she said backing away from me.

"I'm plan to take back what's mine."

~ Finally uploaded ~

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(Philipa is another made up character like Danielle they are NOT real)

~ See you next chapter ~

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