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"Tonight we are here with one of the biggest singers in the world. She just finished her world tour and is now working on her fourth album. Give it up for Y/N Y/L/N!"

You walked out in a jeans and a black v-neck and a leather jacket. You didn't wear anything special. The crowd cheered and clapped and you gave them a small wave and a smile before shaking the interviewers hand and sitting down.

"Welcome, Y/N. How are you doing?" The interviewer asked.

"I'm great, thank you." You replied sweetly. The interviewer looked through his notes. Seemingly unprepared.

You had to keep yourself from chuckling softly. "How was your tour?" He eventually spoke again.

"It was amazing. I really missed being on the road and seeing my fans and to perform in front of them is incredible. Tiring also, though. I'm pretty exhausted now." You answered and the man smiled at you.

"I can imagine that. Now, you were on tour with the beautiful girls of Fifth Harmony and later Bea Miller joined, how is it to tour with them?" The interviewer reacted faster this time.

Memories from all the fights, all the pain went through your head. "Pretty amazing, they're all amazing girls and so talented." You half lied. They really were amazing and talented but the tour wasn't that amazing. You went through a lot of pain because of them.

"Is it true you and Camila dated?" You took a sip of your drink and almost spit it out when you heard the question.

Nevertheless you nodded your head in confirmation. "Yes, we did have a thing going on between us." You confirmed.

"But things didn't work out?" The interviewer leaned closer to you.

You swallowed. "No, unfortunately not."

"How come?"

"You know how it goes in this business. There is a lot of pressure, never any time and above all you have a management controlling you every move. It caused a lot of fights and eventually we decided it was best to stop before we'd both get hurt too much." You told him.

"Now, Camila has clearly moved on. She has been seen with Shawn Mendes a lot lately. How about you, are you over her?" Pictures of Camila and Shawn popped up on the screen behind you.

You felt your heart ache a little and when a picture of them holding hands came up you felt sick to your stomach. But you just put a smile on your face. "I am, I am currently dating my former ex girlfriend. She makes me very happy." You knew you were lying. Joanna didn't make you happy at all. You didn't love her and you didn't even want to be with her.

"Do you and Camila still talk?" The interviewer continued.

"We haven't really spoken since the tour." It wasn't a lie.

"That was all the time we had. Thank you for coming." The interviewer turned to the camera and announced a break. You left the room with all the cameras and joined your team backstage.

"Book me a plainticket to Miami as soon as possible." You demanded and sat down on the small cough in your dressing room.

A/N: It's been a while since I wrote something new. But here it is the long awaited sequel for On Tour. This is a short prologue but I'll try to update as soon as possible. Exams are coming up though so it make take a while.

Anyway love you all!

Broken Hearts and Broken Promises (Sequel to On Tour)Where stories live. Discover now